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  1. 71Polara383

    Mind blown…

    Car was rotten under the top. Probably had other issues too. Send it out with a Bang. No harm done. He had it listed for sale and guess who showed up with $?
  2. 71Polara383

    My neighbor ruined my plans

    They ask about your storage situation for sure. But my car got hit outside the house overnight and they covered it without question. Things happen.
  3. 71Polara383

    Your thoughts on paint color change 1966 Imperial convertible

    I think they should be different colors. Yuck.
  4. 71Polara383

    1969 Imperial progress thread

    We've already talked. After Thanksgiving I'm gonna get him set up.
  5. 71Polara383

    1969 Imperial progress thread

    I hope one day I will be able to give my Black Convertible the love/detail your 69 has gotten. Truly phenomenal work. Can't wait to see more.
  6. 71Polara383

    New Aquisition

  7. 71Polara383

    1969 Imperial progress thread

    I'm sorry to hear that about the trim. The car they came from had a little :rolleyes: rust around the window. When I pulled the glass (it just pushed out) the window trim stayed glued to the window.I hope you can make them work. Beautiful work otherwise
  8. 71Polara383

    My new ‘64 Crown Coupe

    Sweet!!! We are all losing our minds one Mopar at a time, its pretty awesome.:lol::thumbsup:
  9. 71Polara383

    1969 Imperial progress thread

    amazing work.:thumbsup: Keep the updates coming!:popcorn:
  10. 71Polara383

    So I bought this one today.

    Never say never with Ma Mopar.
  11. 71Polara383

    1974 Imperial

    Part the rough ones and send em out as a gladiator before they become a Prius or Tesla.
  12. 71Polara383

    1974 Imperial

    Demo guys will pay up to 1500 for it.
  13. 71Polara383

    So I bought this one today.

    That would look stunning next to the silver car! Great buy Matt!
  14. 71Polara383

    My new ‘64 Imperial convertible

    What was the turn around on that matt?
  15. 71Polara383

    My new ‘64 Imperial convertible

  16. 71Polara383

    My new ‘64 Imperial convertible

    Ran 2 years ago.
  17. 71Polara383

    One For Doc Or Moseman In Tucson

    This is a family friend selling the car. It is now sold. He has a 67 300 vert TNT 440 car that needs some love as well.
  18. 71Polara383

    Bombing around in the beater Imperial

    I dont know how many of those I did on my was nice to feel some warmth today! Fun stuff!