Search results for query: *

  1. '66 Fury I

    What did you do to your C-body today....

    Been getting the Fury ready for the Atlantic Nationals, an annual 5-day show held here in Moncton. I go with my oldest daughter and her two kids. This is the "highlight" of my year! Waxing, cleaning, checking and such. Today, I decided to check the ignition points and timing. Not having...
  2. '66 Fury I

    Im close to going Ford

    I agree that they are nice and worthy of preservation. Having driven several when they were "new', my observation is/was that the Mopar engineering was "ahead of the pack". The Phord and Generic Motors offerings were very style and comfort oriented. Braking and handling were secondary. Just my...
  3. '66 Fury I

    Retirement - what prompted you to do so?

    I had planned to work until I was 69, but when the general manager was forced to retire (health concerns) and the company put me directly under the company president, I "toughed it out" for two years and retired just before my 65th birthday. I have not regretted that decision for a single...
  4. '66 Fury I

    Why I drive old cars.

    Our C Bodys were when built, among the best engineered cars on the road. They were built to be driven in demanding circumstances and survive. Well, the cars we own are testamony to this! Barring serious exposure to the dreaded road salt and major collision damage, they have triunphed over 50...
  5. '66 Fury I

    Marry Christmas....

    Wishing everyone Peace, Joy and Hope for Christmas and 2024. As Omni said, Christ is in charge- even if the situation seems hopeless. Enjoy all the Season has to offer and pray for His Peace. Lindsay
  6. '66 Fury I

    6 years ago..

    I've been enjoying my Fury for 32 years now, and I plan to enjoy it as long as the Good Lord gives me the health and strength to do so! I wish you the same!! Lindsay
  7. '66 Fury I

    Electric bills

    I'll offer two observations. First, a "new" meter does not necessarly mean an "accurate" meter. Second, I have known of accurate meters giving false readings due to "faults", even in rare cases outside the metered building. In one case the meter on a friend's house continued to run with the main...
  8. '66 Fury I

    How many 1971 Plymouth Sport Fury GT"s are left ?

    Insurance companies gave discounts for "5mph bumpers" and bumper guards! Today we have plasticbumpers that are damaged by the lightest touch and must be repaired as they break in pieces. This is PROGRESS!!??? Just sayin'! Lindsay
  9. '66 Fury I

    What did you do to your C-body today....

    We have the same situation here. I don't mind having it "looked over" to see if I have "overlooked" something! My only problem is with young (read: inexperienced) "techniciens" who don't understand our cars. When I have had to go to a different station for inspection, I go with the FSM at my...
  10. '66 Fury I

    Epic Whoops thread.

    Wow! I messed up!! What I intended to do was Post a tag for the pic! "This is a crime scene. Nothing moves until we finish our investigation!"
  11. '66 Fury I

    Epic Whoops thread.

  12. '66 Fury I

    Epic Whoops thread.

    Here in Atlantic Canada, our roads get covered in snow/slush/brine. I'm wondering how this can affect EV's. Then owners often park them in attached garages. These vehicles are all relatively new, but as they age, develop rust and factory sealing deteriorates????? Just thinking. Lindsay
  13. '66 Fury I

    Robert's (dad) last call!

    Cherish the good memories and lessons taught. They live on in our lives! Never truely gone unless they are forgotten. God bless you. Londsay
  14. '66 Fury I

    Negative ground vs positive ground discussion

    In my memory, positive ground systems were much more prone to corroded battery terminals. Also remember that the primary winding of the ignition coil is only grounded through the points or ignition module. Reversing the primary cinnections on the coil will reverse the secondary current. The old...
  15. '66 Fury I

    Craig (Mobileparts)

    Craig, great to hear of your progress! You have many wishing you well and praying for you. Continue the good fight- both physically and legally. You WILL overcome! Lindsay
  16. '66 Fury I

    I asked ChatGPT to write a motto for a Chrysler C-Body user group

    Two comments. Schools here don't teach students to write, so "handwritten submissions" will be problematic. Second, humans will always need food and shelter. Machines and equipment will always need to be housed, powered, maintained and operated. Society may change in many ways, but humans will...
  17. '66 Fury I

    Craig (Mobileparts)

    Craig, We are anxiously waiting, hoping and praying for good news from you. Be assured that you are not forgotten. Keep up the good fight! Lindsay
  18. '66 Fury I

    Do not touch the car

    My paint is 30 years old, and was not "show quality" back then. That said, I still try to avoid damage. The only situation I stay away from is the Main street show at The Atlantic nationals. This event is billed as a "street party", is free, and as such attracts large crowds. Cars are parked...
  19. '66 Fury I

    The toys that made a difference to you...

    Hadn't thought of these for years. In Canada (at least in my area) they were called "Fuddle-Duddle Balls". This came about as a result of our (then) Prime Minister, Pierre Treaudeau using, the F-word in Parliament. When he was called-to-task on it, he said he had "actually" said "Fuddle-Duddle"...