1970 Fury I stripper!

I had planned on painting this radiator black so it wouldn’t stand out. To me it will look out of place like a diamond in a hogs ***. But it sure is pretty! What do you guys think?
I'm "old school" in almost everything. I admit to being that. Painting the rad black is probably the best plan. My question is as to the consequences of adding another metal to the system.
I like what you are doing. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Lindsay
It is with a broken heart I’m reporting that I’m cutting ties with the machine shop I’ve been dealing with. They’ve made no progress in months and every time I talk to them I get a total reset to where we started.
I have no plan B as of yet. I need to get in my garage to do other work so Mickey will be put out for a while.
I’m bummed out over the situation but, things usually work out for the best.

That sucks Marty, seems like nowadays that getting services done and done correctly are becoming a rare thing.Why do I get the feeling that we are past the peak and things are going down hill fast??
That sucks Marty, seems like nowadays that getting services done and done correctly are becoming a rare thing.Why do I get the feeling that we are past the peak and things are going down hill fast??
I agree. I wouldn’t mind if they told me 6 months up front. But that wasn’t the case. They just told me what they thought I wanted to hear. I’m going to have to step away from this for a while. I love doing this stuff but sometimes it gets to be a pain when you can’t count on anyone else!
Like I said though, things usually work out for the best!
Do you have a trade school anywhere around? Some will take on educational projects, usually your only cost would be parts, and a longer time frame, but you've got that already.
Unfortunately, no. Ill come up with something eventually. Gotta take a break from it right now.
Sorry to hear that your local "professional" machine shop is unable to revive an old slant six. Did they at least say why they don't work on the engine?

Hopefully there is someone here who has a good address, even if it will certainly be a bit more expensive than you planned.

I keep my fingers crossed!
Sorry to hear that your local "professional" machine shop is unable to revive an old slant six. Did they at least say why they don't work on the engine?

Hopefully there is someone here who has a good address, even if it will certainly be a bit more expensive than you planned.

I keep my fingers crossed!
According to them they are swamped with work. Although they didn’t mention that when I took it there last year. I think they are putting others in front of me or something. I’ve lost all confidence in them and there’s no point in continuing to wait.
According to them they are swamped with work. Although they didn’t mention that when I took it there last year. I think they are putting others in front of me or something. I’ve lost all confidence in them and there’s no point in continuing to wait.
I totally agree with your decision. A reputable shop should give a realistic time frame so you can decide whether the announced time is ok for you or not.
You have already put so much work and passion into the car, it would be a shame if you let the engine builders drag you down.
So please go ahead, I want to see a nice video of the Fury driving!
Businesses are profit motivated- They need to be, or they would not survive. That being said, stringing a customet along is unethical. Someone, somewhere will have a lead on a good shop or even a good engine. Keep moving forward, you have come too far to turn back now! Such a cool project needs a cool finish!
Come on guys & gals, who can point the way?
I totally agree with your decision. A reputable shop should give a realistic time frame so you can decide whether the announced time is ok for you or not.
You have already put so much work and passion into the car, it would be a shame if you let the engine builders drag you down.
So please go ahead, I want to see a nice video of the Fury driving!
That, you can count on!
Par for the course with most shops. Their money makers are valve jobs and shyte they can pump out. Full rebuilds are loss leaders, really....plus they take up a lot of room. It is what is is. Might as well sell the car....
I have to have a project to work on or I get lazy. Plus I just love working on this old stuff.
I’ve been talking to another machinist this evening who is highly recommend but semi-retired. We interviewed each other for 2 hours. Lol,, he's going to do it. He’s slow but steady. And that’s all I need.