383 intake bolt with oil line?

I agree with Matt remove not needed. Someones misguided way to get oil up top and let it splash lube cam because in their mind the timed rocker lube is not enough.
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Thanks again for helping me figure this out. I'm still of the opinion that it came from the factory this way, but who knows. I'll get it taken off someday and get a photo of the intake bolt thingy. For now here's a better shot of the bolt and clamp.
Watch. He'll remove it now and the engine will seize. lol!
... and I'll expect the fine upstanding citizens on this forum to stand behind their diagnosis. Waaaaaay behind... Who knows, maybe the engine will have better oil pressure when the line is plugged. That or it takes a dump on my garage floor.
Still, a lot of trouble Rube Goldberging it with a vacuum port with a hollow SAE thread. You wouldn't find something like that even in McMaster-Carr.
Why didn't it just run to the front of the valve cover?
This is how Chrysler plumbed oil coolers but the return line was at the fuel pump,a special hollow bolt was used.
Please say that you meant to the oil pump.
And I know Banjo fittings use a hollow core bolt.

The one we're looking at above is what is called a vacuum manifold.
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I know it sounds silly but it really did go to the fuel pump bolt,look at any older police package with an engine oil cooler,the oil will still end up in the pan.
Little update. I asked if anyone on the FBBO site knew what I might have here and someone suggested a previous owner had installed one of those Frantz toilet paper filters. One guy even showed a photo of the Frantz filter on his Charger I believe it was. So, mystery solved. I pulled the fitting and rubber line off the back of my engine block so I could plumb in an oil pressure gauge but the intake fitting is still in place. I'll get to that one some day...
I remember all those ads for his toilet paper filters back in the 50's and 60's.
I actually believed in my youthful ignorance that it was a terrific idea.
STILL not 100% sure it isn't....
Glad you figured it out. Years ago I dailied an 87 Diplomat cop car. It had all the cop stuff with a very gutless Lean Burn 318LA engine. On one of the fender supports was a cooler. Fed by the oil pressure switch then dumped into the front fuel pump mounting bolt. Yup, hollow.

And hey, I got a regular with a 68 Fairlane. 800k on the clock. Did the timing cain a few years back on that 302. and it had the toilet paper oil filter and in the 13 years I have known him, he has never once changed his oil. Only his *** wipe.