Auto jack?


Active Member
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
oregon oh
found this in my dads garage, looks like a basic jack but has a strange hook attached to a type of chain that hooks onto the jack. Anyone seen something like this before?
Don't know what I'm gonna find of my dads, what he accumulated the last 50 yrs, and stuff of his dads and my mom's parents. Got a 50x 50' pole barn and 3 car garage , and basement to sort for auction. He loved to buy stuff and never threw anything away. We ran a sharpening shop when I was a lad and he bought 2 or 3 of everything it seems, 4 tool chests of about every tool you could use. Drawers full of taps, drill bits, sockets, prob 25 ball peen hammers, 45 c clamps, bumper jack, and and a cherry picker you could pull a semi engine with. He was a millwright at Chrysler so he did need a lot of tools to do his job. It makes me sad to get rid of all these tools but I sure don't have the space

Your mention of your father working for Chrysler made me look at your location... Oregon, OH? My wife still owns a house off Coy Road. I keep my '51 down there. PM me if you want to sell some of those tools, I'm down there every so often.