Finned Brake Drums Interchangable With Regular Drums?


New Member
Jun 16, 2021
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I have a 69 Plymouth Satellite and a previous owner put finned brake drums with a recesse on it. From what i've found, these came on some c bodies starting in 69. They seem to work fine but i'm wanting to upgrade the wheels and the recessed portion seems like it's going to be a problem. Does anyone know if just the drums can be swapped out for the regular drums without a recessed area? Thanks

This is what's on the car
You can go for wheel-spacers.........if you don,t have a problem with that...
Those do not work with aftermarket wheels without using spacers. If they are not what is supposed to be on your car, I'd suggest swapping to what should be there, or going with a disk swap.

Even though I've done it twice, spacers are a dangerous choice.

I once bought a 68 Fury that someone put the finned drum on the right side. The lug nuts only caught half the thread. I promptly got the correct drum. If you use spacers you may have the same effect.
Yeah, i'd rather not use spacers. Just wondering if there are drums that can be directly swapped over without changing the spindles, brake pads, etc.
Perfect excuse to get a set of 5th Ave spindles and convert to discs. Dr Diff repops the Cordoba caliper brackets so you can run the 11.75 rotors. If you like one stop shopping and not getting dirty, he can ship you repop spindles too with everything else you need. Good guy to deal with.

Yeah, i'd rather not use spacers. Just wondering if there are drums that can be directly swapped over without changing the spindles, brake pads, etc.
I would get the correct drums or use wheels from a 69 and up Fury, however they will be 15". Its possible Valiant or Volare wheels (which are 14") may work too. My 71 Fury has those drums so I know those wheels would work.
My '70 Monaco 383N has those drums and it came with W23s from the factory. Measure the width of the brake shoes and get the correct drums for the car, or do the disc deal.

Certain older style Magnum 500s fit that drum. I know because I had them installed. Here is one example of a 15" that should fit. Note the back mounting area is not flat but actually protrudes a bit. Exactly what you need to go into the recess.

More modern Magnums like the ones on the American Racing site have a flat mounting plate and will not fit correctly.