In the spirit of Halloween


Old Man with a Hat
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
South Jersey (USA)
I'll go first.

I thought it might be cool to relay stories of odd experiences, paranormal happenings, unexplained events, and downright strange **** that some may have encountered in their lives.

This experience is very true.

This happened to me back in the day as a teenager at summer camp. My folks sent me to camp every summer for about 3 or 4 weeks at a clip. The camp itself was located way back in the woods....WAAAAY back in the woods. I remember a small dirt road that meandered thru the woods to get to the council lodge, and from there small paths led to various wooden "huts" with bunk beds and small refrigerators. It was cool place to get away to during the summers. As you would expect, in the middle of the summer it is hot day and night. The air was filled with the constant sound of cicadas, the wafting scent of pine trees and the scent of burnt wood and coal. Nothing was paved, and to get anywhere (such as the dining hall) one had to walk on hot sandy paths that tooled thru the woodland. In the deeps of the pine barrens.....everything begins to look the every direction. The pine trees and thick underbrush close in on you and your six senses heighten to the point where every bush or limb that happens to move by itself gives you the willies.

One night after the evening’s festivities my compadres and I were sitting around a raging campfire situated in front of a huge rustic totem pole. It had to be at least ten or eleven animal heads tall. We were all beat senseless after spending the day hiking through all creation. We were dead dog tired. We had a roaring firing going in front of the totem pole and the heat was making me even sleepier. I sat cross legged and the very flames of the fire danced around the burning logs. I felt intense waves of heat splash against my face and chest. I was literally ready to fall over and pass out.

I finally made it to my bunk bed.

I shared a bunk with a kid name Billy. I had the top bed, he had the bottom. I climbed up there and swiftly fell into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, I would guess around 3 or 3:30 am I remember being startled awake by a dull "THUMP" noise, like someone hit the wall with a hammer. I'm dreaming, I thought to myself. "THUMP". I heard it again. Dead silence. Another "THUMP". This time however, it seemed a lot closer.

It was extremely dark outside the open window. There are no lights that deep in the power. Any light source would be the one you brought in with you.....flashlight, lantern, whatever you had with you was it. I remember there were no stars that night so it was hard to even make out my hand in front of my face. It was DARK. Normally that doesn't bother me much, the lack of light. Something was missing however. The bug sounds were silent. No cicadas. No crickets. Nothing at all, it was dead silent.

Still being kind of groggy and without sitting up I looked over the edge of my bed. I could just barely make out the bottom of the bunk bed. Billy was hanging half out of the bunk still in his pants and shoes. A few feet across me were to other bunk beds with two other campers occupying them, dead asleep.

I heard the "THUMP" again.


I gazed upon the ceiling and closed my eyes tight. Real tight.

I woke up at or around the first light of dawn. I forced myself not to say anything about this to anyone b/c I figured no one would believe me. I did however after returning home mention this to a family member who was very religious (Catholic) at the time. What she told me really spooked me good.

It is believed by the church that repeated knocking or thumping sounds that cannot be explained or found and always occur in threes around 2 or 3 am in the morning are in fact demonic symbology for mocking of the holy trinity. I looked it up b/c I though she was just kidding me.

I never went back there.

I lived in a scary house as a kid for several years. Things would go disappearing, pans rattling at night. I was just 5 years old being tucked in bed, when a scratching & banging noise was being made on the back door, which was visible from the top of the second floor where I was. The dog was inside & would not go down, and the yard was completely fenced in, which was turned upside down to keep anyone from climbing it by the previous owner. We had a phone, but you could only receive calls, not make them for whatever reason. My Mom was terrified. Luckily my Dad called. This banging on the door continued that long. He told her how to load the gun, and she sat at the top of the steps, frantically waiving that thing, threatening to shoot. My Dad was a policeman. We had a complete fleet sitting outside the house in about ten long minutes. Nothing was found of course.

My Mom always said she felt like something was there. She said the door on the bathroom would open sometimes. We never had that feeling or experience in any of the other places we lived. The next owner never said a thing about the place, years after living there. Who knows......
That was a well told story Gary and a good one by 72fury. I can't recall anything seriously scary ever happening to me.
I've got a couple, but to long to share. (well I'm to lazy too lol)

But I did do something I'm sure you would get into Gary. A few years back, my old neighbor was a volunteer at the Mansfield reformatory in OH. This is also the prison used in the movie the shawshank redemption. They do ghost tours there now. The ghost adventures crew has been there as well. We spent the night there. Man there was some WIERD stuff going on in there. Solitary confinement was the worst. I cant go back in there.. We got a few EVPs from there, but nothing really on camera. I've got a TON of pics. Was a very cool experience.

Mind you everything you see in the photos, is because of the flash on the camera. We were walking around in pitch black, with only the low glow of red from some of the exit signs throughout the place.

This is what it looked like without the flash on the camera...

I'll go first.

I thought it might be cool to relay stories of odd experiences, paranormal happenings, unexplained events, and downright strange **** that some may have encountered in their lives.

This experience is very true.

This happened to me back in the day as a teenager at summer camp. My folks sent me to camp every summer for about 3 or 4 weeks at a clip. The camp itself was located way back in the woods....WAAAAY back in the woods. I remember a small dirt road that meandered thru the woods to get to the council lodge, and from there small paths led to various wooden "huts" with bunk beds and small refrigerators. It was cool place to get away to during the summers. As you would expect, in the middle of the summer it is hot day and night. The air was filled with the constant sound of cicadas, the wafting scent of pine trees and the scent of burnt wood and coal. Nothing was paved, and to get anywhere (such as the dining hall) one had to walk on hot sandy paths that tooled thru the woodland. In the deeps of the pine barrens.....everything begins to look the every direction. The pine trees and thick underbrush close in on you and your six senses heighten to the point where every bush or limb that happens to move by itself gives you the willies.

One night after the evening’s festivities my compadres and I were sitting around a raging campfire situated in front of a huge rustic totem pole. It had to be at least ten or eleven animal heads tall. We were all beat senseless after spending the day hiking through all creation. We were dead dog tired. We had a roaring firing going in front of the totem pole and the heat was making me even sleepier. I sat cross legged and the very flames of the fire danced around the burning logs. I felt intense waves of heat splash against my face and chest. I was literally ready to fall over and pass out.

I finally made it to my bunk bed.

I shared a bunk with a kid name Billy. I had the top bed, he had the bottom. I climbed up there and swiftly fell into a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night, I would guess around 3 or 3:30 am I remember being startled awake by a dull "THUMP" noise, like someone hit the wall with a hammer. I'm dreaming, I thought to myself. "THUMP". I heard it again. Dead silence. Another "THUMP". This time however, it seemed a lot closer.

It was extremely dark outside the open window. There are no lights that deep in the power. Any light source would be the one you brought in with you.....flashlight, lantern, whatever you had with you was it. I remember there were no stars that night so it was hard to even make out my hand in front of my face. It was DARK. Normally that doesn't bother me much, the lack of light. Something was missing however. The bug sounds were silent. No cicadas. No crickets. Nothing at all, it was dead silent.

Still being kind of groggy and without sitting up I looked over the edge of my bed. I could just barely make out the bottom of the bunk bed. Billy was hanging half out of the bunk still in his pants and shoes. A few feet across me were to other bunk beds with two other campers occupying them, dead asleep.

I heard the "THUMP" again.


I gazed upon the ceiling and closed my eyes tight. Real tight.

I woke up at or around the first light of dawn. I forced myself not to say anything about this to anyone b/c I figured no one would believe me. I did however after returning home mention this to a family member who was very religious (Catholic) at the time. What she told me really spooked me good.

It is believed by the church that repeated knocking or thumping sounds that cannot be explained or found and always occur in threes around 2 or 3 am in the morning are in fact demonic symbology for mocking of the holy trinity. I looked it up b/c I though she was just kidding me.

I never went back there.

I'm calling BULLSHIT!!!
.... LOL.

Great story!
I've got a couple, but to long to share. (well I'm to lazy too lol)

But I did do something I'm sure you would get into Gary. A few years back, my old neighbor was a volunteer at the Mansfield reformatory in OH. This is also the prison used in the movie the shawshank redemption. They do ghost tours there now. The ghost adventures crew has been there as well. We spent the night there. Man there was some WIERD stuff going on in there. Solitary confinement was the worst. I cant go back in there.. We got a few EVPs from there, but nothing really on camera. I've got a TON of pics. Was a very cool experience.

Mind you everything you see in the photos, is because of the flash on the camera. We were walking around in pitch black, with only the low glow of red from some of the exit signs throughout the place.

This is what it looked like without the flash on the camera...

That's cool. I saw that episode on TV also. Thanks for sharing!
Yes great pics. I had a friend rent that place for a day. Ok, someone I know, he didn't invite me. lol. One of my all time favorite movies. I would love to see that and Alcatraz sometime.
I don't believe in ghosts and that type of stuff. I've got a good ghost story though.

My oldest brother passed away almost 30 years ago. I miss him a lot... but here's the story.

He was a Tool & Diemaker and had the reputation of being a very, very good one. In my 20 years in the same vocation, I considered myself to be pretty damn good at it, but I never felt I was even in the same class as Harry.

Harry worked for a small tool shop owned by a guy named Tony. Tony and him were pretty good friends too.

Fast forward to the present... I was over at Tony's shop last year doing some work. Tony's little tool shop is pretty impressive now. A nice big building full of state of the art equipment. It's a far cry from the little place behind his house where he and Harry worked.

With a big shop, it can get a little noisy when everything is running but at night, it's much different. The quiet is punctuated with the sounds the machines make as they drip oil and cool off. It could be considered almost eerie, especially in the dark.

Tony and a couple of the guys were telling me that Tony's new wife thought it very weird the first couple times she was there at night. Turns out she is a believer in ghosts and remarked how it must be haunted. Of course.... in the ball busting, take no prisoners world of the machine shop, Tony and the guys ran with it and now have her convinced that the place is haunted.

That ghost would be my brother Harry.