Karma finally


Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill, CA
Today, in a period of 15 minutes, I see three cars run right turn red lights next to me. The law is a complete stop to make sure clear of vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. First one is a Minor Morris so that guy runs the light at 15 mph. Right behind him another car goes through at 6-7 mph.

Now 15 minutes later I get off the freeway to my office. There is a left turn lane, next straight only, then straight or right, and then me in right only. As I get off the freeway I pass a Danville motorcycle cop who then pulls behind me to exit also. I get down to this particular light and make my complete stop as is my habit. The next lane over has a mid 50's woman pull up, look and then roll the turn at 4 mph as a woman pushing a stroller was in front of the straight lane in the cross walk. I throw up my hands like what is that then I remember the officer behind me. He is starting to pull out in order to go around me and after this driver. Finally someone is nailed!
I understand your frustration. I see idiots like this in my town everyday, if I was a cop, i'd be a busy one! and if it weren't for my defensive driving, I'd have been in several accidents over the years. I've seen people blow right through the 4-way by house and most would have been collisions if I hadn't learned to wait til they come to a complete stop. As I'm driving I often say things to myself like" I wonder if this clown is gonna cut me off?" or " I bet this clown turns without a signal." And unfortunately I'm correct a lot!!
Buy that police officer a coffee !!!!

I just love it when a cop is in the right place at the right time !!!! :thumbsup::thankyou::thumbsup:


Not me. Get out there and do so real police work not traffic stops, oh wait real criminals don't have any money.
Point is moot self driving cars will have us in long lines of traffic as they follow every law to the letter. Will be no need for traffic cops with bumper to bumper traffic.
You should hang out at a highschool when school is out... If i was a cop id be collecting bigtime there, licenses and tickets.

I recently had to pick up my son from there and had to make a right to the exit. The exit has a left/straight and a right turn, i need to get into the straight/left turn.

Its a 3 way stop, with stopsigns, basically a T (long side of the T is the exit, and i am in the left top waiting on the stopsign to make a right and then get in the left lane with cars opposite to me too). They just keep going, runnig the stopsign one after another until its all backed up. The law is, you go, i go, you go on stopsigns... Eventually i just turned and threw on my blinker and started honking. Do you think one of them would let me in the turn lane? Sorry but those pricks with their rap and baseball caps have no business being on the road if they are so immature and cant even follow the rules for a stopsign. That **** has me raging.

I get it, rolling a right turn on red isnt okay but often you can see from far away if its clear or not, unfortunately i noticed that these days most people are too stupid for even the smallest traffic manures.
A Lot of Drivers Don't Know what "Yield" means. So they stop and check their Goddamn Phones !
Prez Obama sent us one of these babies.
The press release said it would help detect and prevent crime and keep our citizens safer.
For the last four years it's been sitting out on US27 producing revenue by nabbing speeders.

For the last four years it's been sitting out on US27 producing revenue by nabbing speeders.

GOOD !!!! I hate speeders. I hope they pay dearly.
Prez Obama sent us one of these babies.
The press release said it would help detect and prevent crime and keep our citizens safer.
For the last four years it's been sitting out on US27 producing revenue by nabbing speeders.

View attachment 156955

Maybe Trump will one-up this bollchit and issue all of the county's registered voters a 1911 .45 to help prevent crime and keep y'all's citizens safer!
For the last four years it's been sitting out on US27 producing revenue by nabbing speeders.

GOOD !!!! I hate speeders. I hope they pay dearly.
Speed doesn't kill, it's unskilled and undisciplined drivers. Germany which has no autobahn speed limit has one of the lowest national fatality rates. It's pathetic how poorly people drive on highways here in Canada. The concept of using the left lane for passing is apparently too complicated for many drivers here to comprehend.
Germany which has no autobahn speed limit has one of the lowest national fatality rates.

Probably very true, but I think the reason is, all drivers must pass a special driving school to be allowed on the super highway. Nothing beats training.
"Keep right except to pass" should be inforced. OR.... new rules ... "Keep left to encourage road rage" signs can be posted. Probably a lot more effective, perhaps.
Probably very true, but I think the reason is, all drivers must pass a special driving school to be allowed on the super highway. Nothing beats training.

no special driving school for the autobahn.
But when making your drivers liscense in germany there is a certain amount of minimum practical learing hours you have to do with a driving teacher including:

-several night drives (in the dark) for three hours
-the autobahn (four hours)
-highway/country driving (five Hours)

Additionally you have to learn how to drive in the regular average traffic. No certain amount has to be done.

When having the autobahn teaching who learn how to pass and mostly how to drive on and off from the autobahn.

Additionally you have theory hours and have to make a theory test. Only after it has been approved you can continue with the practical test.

no special driving school for the autobahn.
But when making your drivers liscense in germany there is a certain amount of minimum practical learing hours you have to do with a driving teacher including:

-several night drives (in the dark) for three hours
-the autobahn (four hours)
-highway/country driving (five Hours)

Additionally you have to learn how to drive in the regular average traffic. No certain amount has to be done.

When having the autobahn teaching who learn how to pass and mostly how to drive on and off from the autobahn.

Additionally you have theory hours and have to make a theory test. Only after it has been approved you can continue with the practical test.

The rest of the world could learn a lot from this.
I do believe in this day and age of video games, and self driving cars around the corner. In order to get a permit to drive on the road you have to complete X# of hours written and simulator time. Simulator time should all be bad situations, snow, ice, torrential downpour, high speed wolf packs on the interstate speeds, two lane road passing, groups of large trucks. Would not be a bad idea to stick a 15yo in the seat of a simulated semi truck and have a few 4 wheelers cut in front the stop to turn into a shopping center and see that no matter how hard you push on that pedal it ain't stopping. My 2 cents from a grumpy old truck driver that is focusing on retirement.
no special driving school for the autobahn.
But when making your drivers liscense in germany there is a certain amount of minimum practical learing hours you have to do with a driving teacher including:

It seems like it would be an expensive process with all the man hours involved. Which is a good thing. Folks to stupid to be able to afford the cert shouldn't be out there anyways.
The rest of the world could learn a lot from this.
I do believe in this day and age of video games, and self driving cars around the corner. In order to get a permit to drive on the road you have to complete X# of hours written and simulator time. Simulator time should all be bad situations, snow, ice, torrential downpour, high speed wolf packs on the interstate speeds, two lane road passing, groups of large trucks. Would not be a bad idea to stick a 15yo in the seat of a simulated semi truck and have a few 4 wheelers cut in front the stop to turn into a shopping center and see that no matter how hard you push on that pedal it ain't stopping. My 2 cents from a grumpy old truck driver that is focusing on retirement.

They do already have this and the kids are very proficient at it. It's called 'Grand Theft Auto' or GTA to the kiddies.