I'm HOPING you used the paper gaskets, too! Otherwise, you've just glued the timing cover and possibly the water pump to the block! Do a skin coat on the paper gaskets, all sides, let it cure for a day, then install as normal.
As to the sealer, I used the black high-heat sealer. I like it as it has more body to it so it will stay put. Of course, as it is dark charcoal colored, it "hides in the shadows". Same thing GM used on the Chevy valley rail-to-intake manifold area.
The factory used NO sealer on the timing cover or water pump, just the thick paper gaskets. FWIW
In prior times, our service manager was a jet boat racer. The angled shims on the pump nozzle, he put together with clear silicone, back then. To remove them, it took a sharp chisel and hammer to get the silicone to break lose. Once violated, just some normal prying to get it all loose.