Coker Classic vs. Diamond Back Tires


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2018
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I purchased 4 Coker Classic tires in August 2018 for my 1965 SF, put roughly 1,000 miles on them and started off frame restoration in January, 2020 (roughly 18 months after tire purchase). Tires were inflated and on rims, stored. Tires and rims went back on car in January, 2022 (24 months after restoration started). The restoration was finished in May of this year and car was driven a little over the summer (Phoenix summer) but was in my garage being tweaked.

When the car was finished in May and was started to be driven, the tires bounce up and down and sideways (new front end, aligned and tires attempted to be balanced). At any speed, car shakes like there is only one bolt on each rim (stock 14” tires, rims, hubcaps and skirts to maintain classic look).

Problem; ALL four tires have multiple separations on both the white walls and other side areas. Contacted Coke Tire, who said it was beyond 4 years, my problem. Contacted Discount Tire from whom they were purchased, very helpful, will replace tires free of charge. They have offered to replace with the Classic Coker’s or Diamond Back. Coker available immediately, Diamond Back 4-5 weeks.

I have researched both brands with both good and bad but Diamond Back seemingly better tire but Coker better looking as to the white wall. Concern with Coker, all four tires went bad, no help.

Any experiences by others and thoughts?
I had discount tire exchange some Cooper tires, also some BFG radial TA a long time ago and all you have to do when you have the extra warranty is to say you don't feel safe driving with those tires. Thats the key to the replacement ;)
Seems straightforward to me. Why would you reward bad customer service?
I have been very happy with my Diamondback III (BF Goodrich Radial T/A) redline tires on my cars (also available in white, blue, and gold and wide whites). I have had less satisfaction with Coker Classics. That said, for just white walls, I would go with Hankook radial tires like I have on my Sport Fury. They look good and ride nice and are way cheaper.
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I would go with Hankook radial tires like I have on my Sport Fury. They look good and ride nice and are way cheaper.
I heard it is getting very difficult to find 14 inch whitewall tires. Good to know Hankook has them. I can get them from my local tire dealer.
From what I understand, Diamond back uses new radial tires to do there white walls red yellow etc.. I think you can request a make of tire to be used. That would be why you wait. As for Coker I never thought of there tires as driver tires, more show stuff. Very good looking show tires.
Coker is the new Coker, as Corky sold the company a few years ago. Before that, they had their own molds and did their own stuff, from what they claimed.

A MAIN difference with Diamondback is that they use currently-produced tires to graft the sidewalls onto. But seems like that voids the warranty of the base tires, so check that closely.

Main thing in any warranty situation is how the customer is taken care of. If you got the tires from Discount, go back to them. Opting for the Diamondbacks this time.

To me, the correct width whitewall (and OEM) was approx 1" wide. Which is what most of the currently-available normal whitewall tires seem to be. To me, much better to spend less for normal-brand tires than tires from a repro vendor. No matter the prestige of having Coker Tires.

Seems like Nexen also has some 14" whitewalls in their catalog, too?

Just some thoughts,
Back in January I was looking for 14" white-wall tires for my Monaco. Bit of a long story as to why I didn't move to 15" rims - basically I didn't want to dick around looking for 15" hub caps (and pay a fortune for them no doubt). Also, I found a nice set of 14" Magnum rims (so I could keep my Uniroyal Fastrack's on their rims and not take them off).

I bought a set of Hankook Kinergy ST (white wall). 215-75-14. My first choice would have been Hankook Optimo H724 (also WW) but they are simply not available. I am not impressed that the Kinergy's have 8.5/32 tread depth. Over the past 20 years, tire makers have been cheaping out, tires used to have 11 or 12 32's tread depth.

Another tire I found (hypothetically) was the Venezia 787 VZ005 (aka Venezia Classic 787) but they're a complete mystery in terms of quality / durability and where you can actually buy them.
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One thing I've noticed is that many of the 18"-22" tires only have about 8/32" tread depth (in the spec charts at Tire Rack), new. Yet they still have mileage ratings of 400 or over. Must be some trick rubber compounds that allow that mileage and still have the thinner treads?

Unfortunately, at this point in time, we take what we can get or pay the exorbitant prices for repro-type whitewalls.

Whatever works,
You CAN also drive around with the top down in cooler times, too. Just put on more clothing and make sure the heater works (to keep your feet warm).

I purchased 4 Coker Classic tires in August 2018 for my 1965 SF, put roughly 1,000 miles on them and started off frame restoration in January, 2020 (roughly 18 months after tire purchase). Tires were inflated and on rims, stored. Tires and rims went back on car in January, 2022 (24 months after restoration started). The restoration was finished in May of this year and car was driven a little over the summer (Phoenix summer) but was in my garage being tweaked.

When the car was finished in May and was started to be driven, the tires bounce up and down and sideways (new front end, aligned and tires attempted to be balanced). At any speed, car shakes like there is only one bolt on each rim (stock 14” tires, rims, hubcaps and skirts to maintain classic look).

Problem; ALL four tires have multiple separations on both the white walls and other side areas. Contacted Coke Tire, who said it was beyond 4 years, my problem. Contacted Discount Tire from whom they were purchased, very helpful, will replace tires free of charge. They have offered to replace with the Classic Coker’s or Diamond Back. Coker available immediately, Diamond Back 4-5 weeks.

I have researched both brands with both good and bad but Diamond Back seemingly better tire but Coker better looking as to the white wall. Concern with Coker, all four tires went bad, no help.
I purchased 4 Coker Classic tires in August 2018 for my 1965 SF, put roughly 1,000 miles on them and started off frame restoration in January, 2020 (roughly 18 months after tire purchase). Tires were inflated and on rims, stored. Tires and rims went back on car in January, 2022 (24 months after restoration started). The restoration was finished in May of this year and car was driven a little over the summer (Phoenix summer) but was in my garage being tweaked.

When the car was finished in May and was started to be driven, the tires bounce up and down and sideways (new front end, aligned and tires attempted to be balanced). At any speed, car shakes like there is only one bolt on each rim (stock 14” tires, rims, hubcaps and skirts to maintain classic look).

Problem; ALL four tires have multiple separations on both the white walls and other side areas. Contacted Coke Tire, who said it was beyond 4 years, my problem. Contacted Discount Tire from whom they were purchased, very helpful, will replace tires free of charge. They have offered to replace with the Classic Coker’s or Diamond Back. Coker available immediately, Diamond Back 4-5 weeks.

I have researched both brands with both good and bad but Diamond Back seemingly better tire but Coker better looking as to the white wall. Concern with Coker, all four tires went bad, no help.

Any experiences by others and thoughts?
It has been 6 weeks since I ordered the Diamondback vs. the Coker which supposedly will be in today or tomorrow. In the meantime, the car has been sitting in the garage because there is so much separation the car literally goes up and down when you drive it that one would think your driving it on railroads tracks but on the ties. Discount Tire is standing behind the tires after Coker refused because I bought Discount’s extended warranty. When I drove the car over to Discount for their inspection, I was stopped at a red light and was told by someone following me “did you know your car is going up and down?”

During the last 6 weeks that the car has been sitting in the garage, one tire actually completely separated and blew out, pictures attached. I am not about to drive the car over to discount, 5 miles, but rather I will take 2 tires at a time and put the wheels and new tires on at home.

My final comment regarding Coker tires, “DON’T!” I can understand one tire going bad but all of them at the same time! Hmmmm! As I said, pictures attached!



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Date code decode? Tires 5 years old? For what those tires cost, they should be better than that.

Date code decode? Tires 5 years old? For what those tires cost, they should be better than that.

They where off the car and stored inside for 3 1/2 years of those five years while the car was being restored. They went back on the car and went bad after a total of approximately 4 1/2 years including the 3 1/2 years. They have approximately 1,200 miles on them and the spare also went bad and has never been on the car. There had to be something wrong when they were manufactured and it is unbelievable Coker hid behind a warranty which ironically stated they are covered for manufacturing flaws “for the life of the tire.” I guess “life” is one of those 60 days or 60 miles whatever comes first.!