'57 Imperial LeBaron


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
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I figured that I might as well move the current photo's here since I'll want to add more and the welcome area doesn't really seem like the place to do it on a weekly/monthly basis as this would be...

My dad bought, brand new, a '57 Imperial as his first car.
Robin egg blue, black top, red floor

Stopped running when I was maybe 5. Sat ever since. (still does)

~5 years ago, or ~35 years later, he bought another '57 that he decided to have restored to the same color combo as his original. Catch was, he wanted nothing taken off from his original car.
Finding parts wasn't easy but it is getting close to complete now.
(it's my understading, without being direct, there is some sentimental value on his original car that he didn't want it laying in pieces and tossed aside)


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I can understand entirely despite some of the ecentric aspects of the story. That's what makes it great.
Good luck with the project. It looks stunning.
I love it, but I am reading this as your dad still has his car, then why not restore that one?

35 years later takes him to 1992. Am I missing something or is my math wrong?:dontknow:
I love it, but I am reading this as your dad still has his car, then why not restore that one?

35 years later takes him to 1992. Am I missing something or is my math wrong?:dontknow:

I share your confusion. Nice car though! Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
I love it, but I am reading this as your dad still has his car, then why not restore that one?

35 years later takes him to 1992. Am I missing something or is my math wrong?:dontknow:

Well, the thing with the car he bought, was, it was a running car. He bought it, wasn't a fan of the color... and, like any good sales guy, new paint led to redoing the crome, which led to redoing the metal which eventually led to a complete resto...

you lost me on the math issue. I think you are going in the wrong direction. His original car sat for the past 35 years, now getting close to 40. Hope that helps.

I share your confusion. Nice car though! Welcome to the site from the Motor City!

Okay, i think it's probably because I'm talking about 2 cars here.

- His original car (not shown here) has sat for the past 40 years.
- The car in the photo's (above) was bought ~5 years ago.

The 35 years is the time the original sat (stopped running) until he bought this replacement car. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought this piece up.:shruggy:
Okay, i think it's probably because I'm talking about 2 cars here.

- His original car (not shown here) has sat for the past 40 years.
- The car in the photo's (above) was bought ~5 years ago.

The 35 years is the time the original sat (stopped running) until he bought this replacement car. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought this piece up.:shruggy:

I know you're talking about two cars. the confusion is a result of already having the first one with all the sentimental value that could go with it and not restoring that one. I definitely do see how you end up with a second one though!
I know you're talking about two cars. the confusion is a result of already having the first one with all the sentimental value that could go with it and not restoring that one. I definitely do see how you end up with a second one though!

ah... I see the point.
I'm assuming this newly purchased car 'appeared' to be in great shape needing only minor updates..... until the paint came off.

I'll get some photo's of the original car. I haven't seen it for probably more than 10 years myself....also, this original was not kept under a roof for the past ~40 years
If he bought it new he has had it for 55 years regardless of how long he has had the second car.

The reason for the second car is now more clear.........
If he bought it new he has had it for 55 years regardless of how long he has had the second car..........

Hence, he drove the car for 15-20 years before it sat the 35-40 years I explained in the original post.

I feel like we are working out some riddle here. Fun stuff...
I guess it's my fault for trying to summerize as much as possible in the original story... I hate long stories and wanted to just get some highlights out. Ended up being a bit cryptic I guess.

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Hey John welcome aboard. :hello: Don't feel bad we always haze newbies here just to make sure they are worthy :poke:Nice ride BTW!
Hey John welcome aboard. :hello: Don't feel bad we always haze newbies here just to make sure they are worthy :poke:Nice ride BTW!

Thanks! I understand where the qustions came from... it wasn't a very clear posting I started with, but I think we are all good now.
Well I don't have any more photo's yet. I haven't been able to make it back in that area for the past month.

But found out that the motor will be going in as soon as the shop has time to work it in, then back to the body shop to install the fenders and hood.

Also learned that the original color choice was to be robin egg blue. Instead they decided to go with a heavier metallic (Beacon Blue), which is what you see in the photo's.
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Whew! I lost my breath when I saw that. That color is beautiful on that body.

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That is just outstanding! I can't wait to see more pictures. Are you able to come to Carlisle July 2013?
