Why is ISIS destroying historical evidence


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2015
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Bacliff Texas
I said evidence because they are destroying museum pieces, ancient ruins and anything they deem or target needing destroyed. These are Sunni's. I figure the shites must have built everything these Sunni's are whacking. Built by the favorite children of Mohameds 10,000 children.

I hope that everyone feels this a ridiculous excuse to commit crimes against humanity but I doubt it. There are lots of feuds going on but none this nasty.
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Because their Assholes...

Case closed.
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I read a dissertation on an Australian journalists page about (ISIS) ISIL, call it what you will, and he stated from his research and talking to many muslims from that region that the followers of ISIS/ISIL all believe they are doing gods work because they are playing their part in the destruction that is supposed to bring about the end times. Typical fundamentalist claptrap. When religion becomes first and foremost, rational thinking goes out the window. What we have seen is proof of that.
Those raghead morons have been out in the sun too long, what little brains they had to start with have been cooked.
Car forum, right? Ok just checking.
Car forum, right? Ok just checking.
Thank you.
Okay whiners, check this out, for those of you who cant read. This is a copy and paste of the title to this part of the forum,
General Discussion
Forum for general discussion, news and other non automotive stuff.

Note how it says "non automotive stuff" If you don't want to read about non automotive stuff, don't read threads posted under "non automotive stuff".
I understand but there's almost no escape from this in the media and I think an escape is needed. They're winning if it's being discussed in every corner.
I don't have an issue with it. (The discussion, not the historical destruction.)

I also don't blame religion. These are evil, power mad, opportunists who are manipulating the poor masses for their own goals. I hope the Hell for anyone who does that is extra hot.
Come on guys, nasty things go away when brought to the light of day through discussion.
As for why are they bashing old artifacts, if something goes against "your" belief, destroy it. Various religions have been at this for centuries. The only way to stop these purges is education and free discussion.
How many groups will pop up when ISIS is no more?
I figure the shites must have built everything these Sunni's are whacking.

this a joke a a serious thought ? I'm asking because of the language, i may miss some kind of sarcasm od else. Because what ISIS is destroying is our past and a large part of it has nothing to do with islam.

When religion becomes first and foremost, rational thinking goes out the window. What we have seen is proof of that.

False. we are here to prove you wrong and you are a part of this too. You can't put everything in the same bag.
Tink, the ragheads are destroying these things because to them, they represent idolatry. And according to their cult, anything idolatrous needs to be destroyed. Hell, there are many of them that want to destroy the Pyramids and the Sphinx! They are 7th Century barbarians that thrive on death and destruction. There is no love, beauty or music in Islam. No invention, no industry, no innovation. Just ugliness, death and torture. This is truth, NOT opinion.
I understand but there's almost no escape from this in the media and I think an escape is needed. They're winning if it's being discussed in every corner.

I disagree 100%. They are winning if we IGNORE them, or kiss their asses by buying into the "religion of peace" bullshit. They NEED to be discussed, and then they need to be STOPPED at all costs! We seriously are in danger of slipping into a Dark Ages-style period of time if they get a majority stranglehold in the world.
In my view the claimed distinction between main stream religious belief and fundamentalist belief is a red herring. For example the current Catholic prohibition on the use of condoms has cost countless lives of believers with AIDS. This is the crap that main stream religion continues to spew and hardly a word of condemnation in the media. For me it represents proof positive that religious faith is dangerous whatever form it comes in. As long as humans continue to accept divinely revealed truths over empiricism we are doomed to relive these atrocities. Of course I could list many absurdities of the Muslim faith but the religious skirts of our society are not clean.