Been absent for a while....


Senior Member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
British Columbia
Been absent here for a while now....been doing some odd projects on Ol' Patches, but nothing on the wagon. For the last few months we have been trying to decided on making a major move which would require new jobs, schools etc. A lot of time, heart ache and stress but we finally made our decision about a month ago.

We have decided as a family that we are going to pull up roots and move. We are moving to Prince George BC....about 725 km one way from where I live now. I have found a new job up there already, will be hauling fuel. And we have been scrambling to get the house and property cleaned up so we can get it up for sale.

Today was my last day with the company I have been with for almost 12 years....
So next week I start training and certification at my new job, here locally...takes about 3 weeks...then I will move up to PG full time at the beginning of June and live in my parents old class C motor home. Family to follow beginning of July after kids are done school...hope to have a house before then as well.

We are looking for acreage up there, and a more laid back life style in the country. And as well, my wife's brother and his family are up there as well.

Now the logistics of moving, parts and a house full of stuff....:wideyed:
Moving is never easy but it sounds like you are going into a good situation Brian. Good luck with the move and as far as hauling cars, parts etc. better you than me! :lol:
Good to see you back here.

I hope this will be your last move.

I lived outdoors around the world for 20 years until I retired from the Army in 1996.
Hey Brian, good to see you back. Moving is fun, at least that's what they told me when I moved across town! :p It will be worth it, PG is a nice area.
Glad to hear that your okay. Big changes like this can be real challenges. I'm glad you made the decision as a family. How is your daughter recovery coming?

Well thank you for remembering my daughters little incident....she's doing really good, and has healed up very well. We will be getting a puppy when we get to PG.....she's excited about that!
Hey Brian, good to see you back. Moving is fun, at least that's what they told me when I moved across town! :p It will be worth it, PG is a nice area.

Well I'll be a bit closer to Alberta...maybe I will make it over your way Bill for a show or two, and a meet and greet. ;)
And thank you everyone for the kind words. Once we made the decision to move everything has been falling into place one step at a this was truly meant to be. So that is encouraging for us!
What!!! :wtf:

Guess I'll have to go back through the archives and see what happened.
yea yesterday he checked out. You just missed him. Read "Bittersweet is home" "Paris is burning" threads. That should catch you up.
I haven't been watching the Paris thread, maybe I'll have to check it out. Is that where the antagonist has been working o.t.?
You wouldn't like all the Haz-Met crap that goez with the freight you'd be hauling. Then theirz the odd time when you hook ah 40'er holdin' 50 bushel when you pull out and they forget to tell you that particular tank haz NO FRICKIN' BAFFLES.