My soft spot for abused '73 Gran Coupes


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2017
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Dublin, PA
If anyone is wondering where this went to....



Last week it crossed the river to PA.

73 Gran Coupe 1.JPG

Where it will be in good company with other abused '73 Gran Coupes:

73 Gran Coupe 2.JPG

73 Gran Coupe 3.JPG

Who's been abusing these cars???

Their previous owners....Incompetent body shops....Car-flipping realtors....Over-salted roads....And might as well throw in Mother Nature herself.

So, How's that silver Gran Coupe from Jersey?

In some ways, much better than I had expected, but there's plenty of ugly too. While viewing the Craigslist add, I noticed that all the lower trim was missing, therefore, I expected everything on the bottom of the car would be totally roached: Quarters, rockers, fenders and subframe. The thought came to mind to pick it up cheap just for the beautiful bucket seat interior. As it turned out, a friend of mine in England was also interested in it and had already talked to the seller. He was informed that the lower trim was missing because it was lost, and chances are that the body shop that worked on the car broke all the clips. Most of the "nails" for the clips were still in place. That info changed my opinion quickly, so a friend and I drove over to check it out. It turned out to be a bit too rough to spend the money exporting it to England, so my UK friend decided to pass. After thinking it over for a few days, I decided that it would be a great car for taking to our local car club events. I had been alternating between my '69 Imperial and '70 Newport, but my once perfect dashes now start melting anytime either of the cars is out in the warm sun. The ever increasing number of A-hole drivers prevents me from enjoying driving some of my better cars, so this beat up Gran Coupe should fit the bill nicely. It looks good from a distance, but there's not a straight panel on it. With the nice interior and full compliment of power options, I'll be cruising in style, oblivious to all the exterior flaws that I can't see from the driver seat.

As had been mentioned earlier, the car was up for sale twice this year on Craigslist. First by a realtor who got it from the estate of the previous owner, and second from a Mopar guy who bought it from the realtor. The guy I got it from was knee-deep into a full resto of a '68 Town & Country, and decided to part with the Gran Coupe to raise some cash for the T&C project. The gent who passed away at least tried to spruce up the car, but chose the wrong people to do it, though that choice was probably dictated by a limited budget. The body work on the car has MAACO written all over it: piss-poor welds, lumpy body work, almost no paint prep, and a desert-dry semi-matte finish on the paint. The car is also completely covered with clear overspray from another paint job done nearby. They actually managed to more-or-less install a used lower quarter on the right side. Thankfully, they didn't try a full quarter. The body was peppered with minor dents prior to it's trip to the body shop, and it didn't take the owner long to add another 3 or 4 scrapes to it after the work was done. The car has some electrical gremlins that will probably turn out to be bad grounds, and as expected, the power windows are due for a clean and lube. There's actually a little spark of life from the power locks, which is unusual. I did a check on safety items, and it needs brake work and lower ball joints.
73 Gran Coupe 7.JPG

Well Jeff, that sounds pretty bad so far. Why'd you buy that thing?

Here's where the unexpected surprises come in:

The underside of the car is clean, clean, clean. Check that subframe. ( I know it's STUBframe, but that makes me think of missing limbs for some reason)

73 Gran Coupe 4.JPG

73 Gran Coupe 5.JPG

The rear area is nice too. They can get pretty crusty where the undercoating is thin.
73 Gran Coupe 6.JPG

It also looks like the heads were done, along with a timing chain, water pump, freeze plugs, trans lines, starter and idler arm.
73 Gran Coupe 8.JPG

One more bad thing:
This was not necessary. :mad: Told it was done by dumb-*** realtor. Could have checked glove box for trunk release, or could have at least called a locksmith.
73 Gran Coupe 10.JPG

That's it for page one, as I've reached my 10 picture limit.

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I understand your passion for these cars. I have a passion for the Gran Coupes as well, but the one year earlier 1972 model is the prize for me. But I have showed some restraint for once and am still waiting for just the right one maybe some day.

So it sounds like on the silver one that the poor body work was mostly the result of an elderly person that didn't drive very well and mangled most of the panels rather than the usual rust. Seeing an underside that clean from New Jersey is surprising - he must have driven it sparingly when there was bad weather.
When I first looked at the car it was dusk, and combined with the paint overspray, I didn't even notice some of the good stuff until after I had the car home.

Front bumper, along with the metal part of the guards, grill surround trim, and hood ornament are all NOS items. :D

73 Gran Coupe 11.JPG

73 Gran Coupe 12.JPG

I have the car stored away in the car barn for the winter and should be able to have it ready for next spring's events. I'll be able to make pretty quick work of the mechanical stuff to make it safe to drive, and I expect the electrical bugs to be fairly minor.

How about that black Gran Coupe?.....It looks pretty Sweeeeet!

No signs of abuse on that one!

73 Gran Coupe 21.JPG

Yeah, it looked pretty sweet on the ebay listing too. As I said earlier. Missing trim=trouble, and this car has it in spades! It's the textbook patched-up rust-bucket.

A 20 gauge sheet metal patch on a sub frame does not constitute a structural repair.
73 Gran Coupe 13.JPG

73 Gran Coupe 20.JPG

especially when you totally ignore the fact that the inside is gone too
73 Gran Coupe 14.JPG

Body is going where mounts attach
73 Gran Coupe 19.JPG

Left rear spring hanger just about ready to rip out of body. Just needs one good pothole shot.
73 Gran Coupe 15.JPG

73 Gran Coupe 17.JPG

Then right after the rear of the spring breaks loose, the rotted front hanger will go too. Then we have a rear-wheel-steer Fury!
73 Gran Coupe 16.JPG

In addition to the underbody problems, the quarters are carved out of mud, the inner quarters and wheelhouses were gone and half-assed patched. The trunk floor has a nice, big hole in it too. Also included free of charge were major mechanical problems like a bad radiator and blown head gasket.

BTW the pic with no caps and skirts is storage mode: Good tires come off to prevent flat spots.

End of page 2
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I understand your passion for these cars. I have a passion for the Gran Coupes as well, but the one year earlier 1972 model is the prize for me. But I have showed some restraint for once and am still waiting for just the right one maybe some day.

So it sounds like on the silver one that the poor body work was mostly the result of an elderly person that didn't drive very well and mangled most of the panels rather than the usual rust. Seeing an underside that clean from New Jersey is surprising - he must have driven it sparingly when there was bad weather.

I recently fell in love with a particular '72 Gran Coupe. I'm collecting parts right now to build a car similar to it.

You're spot-on with the assessment of the body of the car. It's got the elderly bumps and bruises, but no "crash" damage.

You can find clean cars in New Jersey if they come from the right area. Even though it's a small state, the weather conditions vary quite a bit from one area to another. Up north is just as bad as New York when it comes to road salt. Close to the shore you get the year round ocean salt and sand. Central to southern, you have lots of pine trees that drop acidic needles that rot out fender bottoms and cowls. If you get a car that's from the southern part of the state, inland from the sea, and not parked under pine trees, it can be pretty good, as they don't get a lot of snow in that area. Now, if you have a car where the owner lived up north, had a vacation house at the shore with sandy driveway, and parked under pine trees, then there's probably nothing left of it.

I have a wrecked '70 Sport Fury from Jersey. It's a non-undercoat car, and the underside is amazingly clean. I had a '72 New Yorker from Jersey that still had shiny black paint on the subframe sides, but the bottom was rotted out from having sand in it.

Wow, I am not sure I have seen such serious rust as on that black Gran Fury - really scary. And as you said, it seemed to look pretty good from the topside photos. I find buying Eastern cars a real challange and a crap shoot.
There's a small bright side to the black Gran Coupe, that being it's optioned almost identical to the silver car, with the exceptions of having a 400 instead of a 360, and mono AM/FM instead of stereo. It has the same interior, in about the same shape, other than 2 big cracks in the dash pad. Here's a crummy flash pic:
73 Gran Coupe 23.JPG


Boy, that black one was a tear jerker. :( Could the red one possibly be worse?

It's not looking too too bad from here. Needs a top, has some minor quarter rust, a shallow dent, and that extra-long tail pipe needs to go.
73 Gran Coupe 24.JPG

Ooooh Nooo! :wideyed: ..What?....Where?....Who?..........:wtf: happened here???!!!!

73 Gran Coupe 25.JPG

Seriously, I have to wonder if the "abuser" responsible for this atrocity stood back and admired his work, thinking "Man, that looks so much better now"

It probably won't come as much of a shock that I bought this one out of a junkyard for $300. If you ignore the problems with the right quarter, the body on this car is actually the best of the three. The left quarter is fixable, and the rest of the car is still wearing it's original paint. The underside isn't as nice as the silver car, but it's all solid and has beautiful trunk floor. This one's more plain-jane inside. Pretty much just the common stuff: A/C, cloth bench, 360. Dash is cracked and seat is ripped a bit.

73 Gran Coupe 26.JPG

So, What's the plan????

As it stands now, the plan is to end up with one great car and one good car out of the three. Really not sure which one will end up top dog between silver and red. Red has more sentimental value, as I've had it almost 20 years now, but silver is so clean underneath. Time will tell on that one. Black is probably going to be a parts car. It's a tough call because it still looks real nice on the surface. I may have to grind off all the bondo to expose the real car underneath to make it easier.

When's this going to happen? It's going to be quite some time. There's lots to be done before I can start serious work on hobby stuff.

Hope everyone enjoyed the story. Tried to do it a little different than usual.:)

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Wow, I am not sure I have seen such serious rust as on that black Gran Fury - really scary. And as you said, it seemed to look pretty good from the topside photos. I find buying Eastern cars a real challange and a crap shoot.

The black one is even worse than an east coast car. I should have mentioned that it's from Indiana.
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You addict. Thanks for the update , I'm happy to see her still here in the hopes of one day being able to see her

It didn't go far. Only about 40 miles or so from you.

We have a small car show at Fred Beans Dodge in Doylestown twice a year. You may want to come and check it out some day. Usually in May and October. I try to get back home for the shows, but don't always make it. Could also see it at the house, but I'd need to have it out. When the cars are packed away, they're PACKED. About three inches of clearance on each side, and not much to see.

I like those detail shots. All those rotted pieces, while sad; make me feel better about my own cars. Sort of like a reality show.
@bigmoparjeff , would the trunk off of a '73 New Yorker fit that? I have a rust free example going to scrap in the next week. It's yours if you come back to Jersey and get it.
@bigmoparjeff , would the trunk off of a '73 New Yorker fit that? I have a rust free example going to scrap in the next week. It's yours if you come back to Jersey and get it.
Let me know about the floor pan if he doesn't take it. I imagine it shouldn't be too much to ship it through Fastenal? Oh and do you have any of the footwells spare?
Let me know about the floor pan if he doesn't take it. I imagine it shouldn't be too much to ship it through Fastenal? Oh and do you have any of the footwells spare?
Just re read my post, I’m sorry I was referring to the trunk lid to replace the one that has the busted lock opening. I’m hoping to use the floor and trunk metal to resurrect my “parts” car.

@bigmoparjeff , would the trunk off of a '73 New Yorker fit that? I have a rust free example going to scrap in the next week. It's yours if you come back to Jersey and get it.

That would be great. The trunk floor in the silver car is still there, but it's really thin, and the NY'er floor should be the same. Is it still in the car, or already cut out?

Thanks, Jeff
Your correction popped up on my screen just as my response was being posted, as I hadn't refreshed the page in a while. I hate to see good stuff go to the trash. I don't think it would be worth a separate trip, but if I could grab it while I'm fairly close I'd like to save it. What town are you in? I'll probably be in Cinnaminson on Friday afternoon, October 6th.

Thanks, Jeff
Your correction popped up on my screen just as my response was being posted, as I hadn't refreshed the page in a while. I hate to see good stuff go to the trash. I don't think it would be worth a separate trip, but if I could grab it while I'm fairly close I'd like to save it. What town are you in? I'll probably be in Cinnaminson on Friday afternoon, October 6th.

Thanks, Jeff
Yes, sorry for the confusion. Trunk floors are a hot commodity for sure. I live in Cinnaminson! You can PM me when you want to pick it up, I’ll hang on to it till then.
How convenient! That would be great!

I do actually need a front and rear driver side door for a 73' NY'er 4dr HT. I think you had those, but there were problems with the left side doors if I remember correctly.

How convenient! That would be great!

I do actually need a front and rear driver side door for a 73' NY'er 4dr HT. I think you had those, but there were problems with the left side doors if I remember correctly.

Haha, nope that would have been Wollfen I think. I had a two door coupe. A fellow member just picked up those doors on Saturday.

I've always wondered what these 73's would look like without those damned rubber titties on the bumpers. I've always liked the 73 Plymouths the titties not so much. That's why I took them off my Imperial.