Recent content by C.Body

  1. 1966 SportFury

    1966 SportFury - 1966 SportFury

  2. C.Body

    Comment by 'C.Body' in item '1966 SportFury'

    Thank you Sir..
  3. C.Body

    Comment by 'C.Body' in item '1966 SportFury'

    Thanks for the kind complements.. the interior is from Legendary Auto Interiors. OEM. It wasn’t cheep and it took a year wait time. Covid got in the way also.
  4. C.Body

    Comment by 'C.Body' in item '1966 SportFury'

    a few more pics.
  5. 1966 SportFury

    1966 SportFury

    Not for sale! I still got a few trim pieces to put on but I am getting there.
  6. C.Body

    Help.. 1966 Sport Fury front brakes.

    Thank you Sir, it is a new NAPA drum. I took it back to have it turned and they said they checked it and it was not out of round.
  7. C.Body

    Help.. 1966 Sport Fury front brakes.

    Ross Woolridge Mustang II Front Disc Brake Slotted Ford No Spindles Red Single Piston Calipers | eBay
  8. C.Body

    Help.. 1966 Sport Fury front brakes.

    Has anyone else had this brake problem? My 66 Sport Fury has good brakes. Not hard to press pedal and stops easy going slow. If I am going hiway speed and go to stop normally the RF shutters like a high spot on the drum. The faster I go the harder it shutters? I have New drums, wheel...
  9. C.Body

    66 Sport Fury door mirrors

    Yes Sir. Thank you, I will look. eBay is where I got the ones I got. Thing about eBay is they are in the market of making money not really saving you money. You have to shop and compare and use different search engines to really find a bargain. I usually do but this time I got suckered in...
  10. C.Body

    66 Sport Fury door mirrors

    Thank you Sir. I like pictures.
  11. C.Body

    66 Sport Fury door mirrors

    Thank you Sir. Since I am a Mopar newbie I guess I’ll write this one off to “shoulda asked first” and do with what I got. When I was looking I had inadvertently changed my search engine from Duck Duck go to Google. I get much more honest hits from DDG than counting hits Google. Only...
  12. C.Body

    66 Sport Fury door mirrors

    Does the 66 Sport Fury outside door mirrors have one single post or 2 skinnier posts? Anyone have a pic? Thanks...
  13. C.Body

    1966 Fury III parts

  14. C.Body

    1966 Fury III parts

    Yes Sir, I could use a nice pair. My Right side is dinged up. How much for the middle one for right side and inside one for left side?