Recent content by CaliFury

  1. C

    New guy and my new-to-me 66 Convertible!

    Right on, I thought that might be the case as yours is an AC car. There are a lot of folks on here with 318 Poly experience, and an equal number that have put big blocks in their cars. I got a 383 in mine, and love it! Great car, it burns rubber, has enough power to get out of its own way, and...
  2. C

    New guy and my new-to-me 66 Convertible!

    Cool car man! I have a 66 Fury III vert also. What engine is in it?
  3. C

    Thinking of selling my 66 Fury

    Agree Beautiful Car, and the red/white looks fantastic! I would start at $25k (knowing I'm partial to 66 Fury's). In this case not having the original motor isn't necessarily a detractor. It ticks the boxes: 60's, Big Block, Mopar, Convertible! Good Luck!
  4. C

    Replacement Leaf Springs Needed

    I will second espo recommendation. I just put new springs on my '66 Fury convertible a couple months ago. Shipping to CA was about $100. Then you can get options of new eye bolts, bushings, shackles, etc. I was in it about $570 total for everything. Worth the money IMHO as she rides awesome!
  5. C

    66 Fury Hood Adorn

    Good luck at the bone yard! These cars are forever projects, in that you are forever tracking down the problems of numerous shade tree putz's before you.
  6. C

    66 Fury Hood Adorn

    Yeah, same thing happened to me when I bought my Fury. Someone put a B-body ornament on the hood. It was cockeyed, the wrong year, and the wrong engine. Looked at Pinterest to see photos of several '66 Furys to know what to look for. Then got on Ebay and found an ornament for $75, and now it...
  7. C

    66 Fury Hood Adorn

    Looks like you might have the wrong base. Note that a hood ornament from a 66 Belvedere/Satellite and Fury look the same but have a different base due to the shape of the hood. If you find a '65 or 66' Fury base for the ornament, that should work.
  8. C

    NOT MINE 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury, triple black 383 4-speed, $22,000 Sacramento CA

    Agreed. I would like at least one interior photo, preferably of the center console, plus a motor/money shot! If it is actually what it claims to be, and the essentials are period correct, the price is sort of in the ballpark.
  9. C

    NOT MINE 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury, triple black 383 4-speed, $22,000 Sacramento CA

    Ha, you beat me to it, I was about to post the elusive big block c-body 4spd!
  10. C

    Engine Rebuild v. Crate Engine

    Thanks guys, some good information which is truly appreciated, particularly re: parts used and quality machining process. I'm not trying to discount any advice, and I apologize that my written delivery is not always on-point. However, what I'm looking for feedback on are two questions: 1. Can...
  11. C

    Engine Rebuild v. Crate Engine

    Hey all, I have a 66 Fury convertible with the original 383 commando engine that needs rebuilding/replacing (she's got a rod knock). The engine is out of the car now, and I have another 383 in there. The engine in the car doesn't have a rod knock, but likely burnt valves, so the car isn't...
  12. C

    Leed Brakes kit - brake booster

    Agree with Jbooth35 and Davea Lux. I purchased for my 66 Fury, and got the same kit. It will fit if you drill new holes and modify the actuator rod. I sent it back because I didn't want to drill holes in my firewall. There are no other "not stock" holes in the firewall and I didn't want to...
  13. C

    Best Thanksgiving...Breakdown?

    Glad to hear it helped out someone! Hopefully you will have flawless cruising time in 2022!
  14. C

    Best Thanksgiving...Breakdown?

    Oh man, that's great story! Glad you made it out of the mudbog. I was hoping a few folks would post their Holiday breakdown stories. Awesome!
  15. C

    Best Thanksgiving...Breakdown?

    I thought some would be interested in hearing the Best Ever Thanksgiving (Breakdown). Here goes: My wife and I decided to earn our turkey this Thanksgiving by doing the 5k Run to Feed the Hungry. We quickly did the run and followed up by washing the 66’ Fury Convertible to take to my family’s...