Recent content by celticwarlock

  1. celticwarlock

    Insurance issues.

    I'm going with Berkley One for now. Thank you guys for all the input. $345 yearly for the 2 cars with reasonable, realistic coverage limits.
  2. celticwarlock

    Insurance issues.

    I'm looking into Berkley One now. The preliminary quote was around $430 for 2 cars (the Chrysler and a Saturn 3-door). I'm shopping around, but this doesn't seem unreasonable. Hagerty is a bit more steep.
  3. celticwarlock

    Insurance issues.

    Greetings, all. My 1969 NY just got dropped from American Collectors insurance. They claim that the car has to be worth at least $5K (they valued it at $4K), and added that it has actually depreciated recently, so they won't insure me. I don't see how that's possible, because it would be...
  4. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    I appreciate the information, but I don't think I'm going to do that. I ran compressed air through it, and there's no blockage, so any other problem that may exist probably requires replacement. If that's the case, then I will likely replace the entire master cylinder. For now, the car...
  5. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    Absolutely nothing. I assume they're internal.... The reason for this whole post is that this isn't the first time I've worked on this brake system. I've been all over this car. I've owned it for nearly 20 years. In every single case, without exception, I have never seen this when working...
  6. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    Nothing has been changed other than what i mentioned. What's got me concerned is that opening the system at any point should allow the pedal to go to the floor, and with this car, that isn't happening. Disconnecting the main line before the split at the differential, disconnecting the lines...
  7. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    Alright. I disconnected the main line from the brake hose. I then pressed on the pedal, and still, it wouldn't go to the floor. It did, however, move fluid through the line. I then disconnected the line at the master cylinder and ran compressed air through the entire length. There was no...
  8. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    The rubber line is a Raybestos part.
  9. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    What's the difference between the 2? Is one merely a splitter (distribution block), and the other plays an active role in regulating the hydraulics (proportioning valve)? I thought every vehicle built after a certain year has a proportioning valve.
  10. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    I considered this a possibility. Can I use compressed air to clear it, if it has a blockage?
  11. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    I'll try this, although I can't imagine things would be different from turning the bleeder out several turns. I'll give it a shot snyway.
  12. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    I slready replaced it a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned this in my initial post.
  13. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    The wheel cylinders were replaced. Upon removal, the lines were dripping, so I can't say there's a restriction further up the line. They were dripping pretty slowly, but dripping nevertheless.
  14. celticwarlock

    Mystery brake issue.

    1969 NY, front disc / rear drum. A while back, I replaced the rear brake hose which was restricted due to age. Not long after, one wheel cylinder started leaking, so I replaced them both (they were severely corroded on the inside). What was weird is that the lines bled, but they bled slowly...
  15. celticwarlock

    Replacing or rebuilding a Federal PS pump.

    There were 2 rings in the package. One I'm pretty sure goes into a groove in the pump body first, then the smaller one goes on the line itself, Id imagine. It's all together. I'll fire it up over the weekend and make sure nothing leaks.