Recent content by fullsized

  1. F

    65 New Yorker power brake booster

    So I am diving into the power brake booster/master cylinder on the New Yorker. Previous owner added a dual master which I like but the cylinder and booster does not move at all. I do not know if it is the original booster. the number I found on it is 18268. Looks to be a bendix. Plastic pieces...
  2. F

    Hi all!

    Forgot to tell you to get a 34 or 35 edition Hollander book. Don't get a 31 as that is a 1965 volume and will not have later parts that fit your 65.
  3. F

    Hi all!

    Hi and welcome. Love the 65/66 Fury c-body. My 65 c body is a Chrysler wagon. 65 is a odd year as many items are 65 and earlier and some are 66 to 68. Like the radiator in 65 has a dome rounded top tank and the 66 is a flat top tank. But they are interchangeable. Get your self a "Hollander...
  4. F

    Cruise Control Quit Working

    Did you check the brake light switch? That turns on/off the power.
  5. F

    Welcome, crusher

  6. F

    How did the factory paint these pieces?

    For just a touch up I use a felt pen.
  7. F

    Wagon headliner source?

    OK wagon lovers, what do you use for the headliner? Is the perforated pressed sawdust panels around still? Substitute? And what modern up grade is there for the sound/heat barrier under the roof? Being a A/C car I would want to keep heat out and cold in as best as I can (multiple heart attacks...
  8. F

    Carburetor cleaning fluid?

    Berryman and Gunk are still around. it is just the chemicals are not the same or as strong. The layers are gone and I do not think water will wash it off? The older formulas would eat your skin if you would let it. Dunk and wait 5 min and you were done. Really stubborn you would heat it up a...
  9. F

    Carburetor cleaning fluid?

    What is the fluid? And I do not want ultrasonic.
  10. F

    Carburetor cleaning fluid?

    OK I am showing my age again but 30-40 years ago "Gunk" or "Berryman" were the go-to cleaners for a carb soak and clean. But they are very weak now days. So paint thinner? Alcohol? To blow out after soaking-brake clean or electrical clean? Do not want ultrasonic, husband left a brass float to...
  11. F

    Were to get rubber parts.

    Well it so bes that I do So be it I have one, around here some place. My husband put it away and can't find it.
  12. F

    Were to get rubber parts.

    Well I want to look up the part numbers in the parts book so I can do a online search for parts BUT If I do not know what Chrysler call the part how do I look it up? I do not know even what group to look under.
  13. F

    Were to get rubber parts.

    That is part Of my problem. I do not know what to call the part I want to look up or even what group it is in.
  14. F

    Were to get rubber parts.

    Thanks, they did not say they do custom work, good to know. Yes grounds are very important. AS a radio operator I know this well. I make my own as needed. But most people forget there is aground strap that goes fron the gas line to the pick up tube at the tank to by pass the rubber hose were...