Recent content by Gordfarr

  1. G

    For Sale 68 Polara miscellaneous parts

    I have a 68 Polara 500 2 dr. I took the motor and trans out of and just wanted to see if anyone needed anything from it before it goes to scrap.
  2. G

    WANTED Hood for a 66 Fury

    Just thought I’d try lol
  3. G

    WANTED Hood for a 66 Fury

    No sir just one 4 barrel on mine and doesn’t look that tall
  4. G

    WANTED Hood for a 66 Fury

    Not a bad price if I paid you to crate it up and ship it to me would that be an option?
  5. G

    WANTED Hood for a 66 Fury

    I’m looking for a hood for a 66 Sport Fury. Doesn’t have to be perfect going to cut hole in because of high rise intake.
  6. G


    I have a 1966 Sport Fury according to the VIN it was born with a 383. Someone has put a 318 poly in there that I’m taking out and going to try to make this 440 I have work.
  7. G


    Thank you for accepting me into the group will be getting some pic together and I will definitely have questions.