Recent content by Henrius

  1. H

    At LAST! A REAL Custom Seat Cover Maker, with GOOD Product!

    The question is how easy are they to remove when we want to display the car in her full glory at a car show. I want something that is not too hard to remove.
  2. H

    Intermittent headlights all of the sudden

    I don't understand. I don't have a cell phone. How do I contact an address with @ in front of it?
  3. H

    Intermittent headlights all of the sudden

    BOTH problems occurred. No instrument lights, AND headlights turn on and then go off. I will check the dimmer switch, but I can't imagine that getting plugged and unplugged. And I am sure it has nothing to do with the dash lights. But thanks for the tips!
  4. H

    Intermittent headlights all of the sudden

    When I took my 1965 Plymouth Fury over to a mechanic's house last winter, everything worked more or less OK, except a rough idle. That was the thing I wanted worked on. The mechanic got busy doing other things, and the car was left sitting outside for about 9 months. When I picked it up, there...
  5. H

    Where is the Turn Signal flasher on 1965 Fury?

    Yeah, but it does not work, so I cannot locate it by sound. I can remove the ash tray. That will provide a portal up under the dash. Guess I will go with an electronic blinker. That way I can go with LEDs or incandescent bulbs.
  6. H

    Where is the Turn Signal flasher on 1965 Fury?

    Thanks. I will look there. With factory A/C there is so much junk under the dash it is hard to find things. Wanted to take the clock, radio, and heat/A/C control out for rebuilding, but I am not willing to tackle that. Do need the turn signal, however. How strange that in the factory manual it...
  7. H

    Where is the Turn Signal flasher on 1965 Fury?

    Don't think you understand. The new bulbs don't need an external flasher? How does the bulb know when you need the break light and when you need the bulb to flash for the turn signal? The problem is my current bulbs are good, but just do not flash because of a broken turn signal flasher. Think...
  8. H

    What is the best valve cover material?

    These darn old V-8 engines (mine a 383) are always leaking oil. Most common place is out the valve covers. My valve cover gaskets were replaced not to long ago with cork gaskets. Do rubber gaskets seal appreciably better?
  9. H

    Where is the Turn Signal flasher on 1965 Fury?

    Doesn't show where it is in the shop manual. It is not in the same place as in my 1972 Newport. By the way, will those new electronic flasher modules work with both incandescent and LED bulbs? I would like to switch out to LED as the bulbs burn out.
  10. H

    Need Parking Lock Cover for 1965 Torqueflite Transmission.

    I will pay you whatever you ask for one. I need a good one badly.
  11. H

    Need Parking Lock Cover for 1965 Torqueflite Transmission.

    My 1965 Fury has this part cracked, as can be seen in the photo. It leaks fluid. My mechanic cannot seem to find a good one anywhere. It would be expensive for a machinest to fabricate such a part from new metal. Torqueflite transmissions were so common! Surely used ones should be available from...
  12. H

    Best suggestions for period floor mats

    Thanks! Where did you find this truck mat pictured? Grandma's Fury was always garaged, and only used for hair salon visits, flower arranging classes, and grocery shopping. Grandpa drove his 63 Chyrsler 300 everywhere else they went. Too bad my dad let the 300 go. But I kept the Fury garaged...
  13. H

    Best suggestions for period floor mats

    Believe it or not, I got the pristine original carpet in my Grandma's 65 Fury III. I would like to keep it that way. Only problem is the original floor mats have broken in pieces. Would be interested what cut-to-fit floor mats you all have found worthwhile. The old style front floor mats used...
  14. H

    8-10 mpg

    The best gas mileage I ever got with my 1972 Newport with 400, 2V and single exhaust, converted to electronic ignition was 14 mpg on the highway at 55mph. My 1965 Fury with 383 (which had higher compression ratio) 2V, and single exhaust was 16mpg at 55mph. It is a lighter body than the Newport...