Recent content by Mikahthegreek

  1. M

    1978 New Yorker 500 Big block

    Sorry for the multiple replies I haven't used a forum in a decade Facebook groups don't cut it like these sites do
  2. M

    1978 New Yorker 500 Big block

    Also, yes, the previous owner made it a hot rod power tour car and mapped out all the places he went to and from Chicago Illinois!
  3. M

    1978 New Yorker 500 Big block

    Uhhh almost. Power steering went out an hour before I got home. I was taking a turn to an on ramp and I think the shaft in the pump snapped lol. It didn't make any noise though which is a first for me
  4. M

    1978 New Yorker 500 Big block

    Lol I bought it as is, all the heavy lifting was done for me but this is what it has
  5. M

    1978 New Yorker 500 Big block

    People ask for more photos so here they are. Washed and waxed today after a 300+ mile road trip to bring her home.
  6. M

    First Mopar

    I plan on keeping it on there, it's pretty cool to me
  7. M

    When was the last production day for C-Bodies?

    Good to know that mine were one of the last ones built
  8. M

    First Mopar

    Everywhere this car has been actually
  9. M

    First Mopar

    Here you go!
  10. M

    Welcome, Mikahthegreek

    I made a post on it I believe in this thread
  11. M

    Welcome, Mikahthegreek

    Happy to be here haha