Recent content by Stroller

  1. S

    Fender mounted turn signals

    Hey folks. Not sure if anyone been looking for them other than me. A couple years ago I found mopar site up in Canada called PG Classics Restorations. I have the same fender mounted T/S on my '60 Fury as the '68 GTX. I needed new lenses. Well you can pay Year Ones outrageous price of over...
  2. S

    WANTED Arm Rest

    Here it is. Hope the pics are good.
  3. S

    WANTED Arm Rest

    Oh by the by. I found another one saying parting out a '60-'61 Fury wagons. It is a scam and I think the jerk wad took the face book post off because I called him on it. The scammer showed fake name of "Stone Clint". The phone probably a burner is shown to be in SC. He uses pay and says it be...
  4. S

    For Sale Parting 1960 Plymouth savoy wagon

    Ok. Will not be back to this till next week so no problem. I just need to see a pic to make sure is the same. What me a tad worried about is if a 4 door they used the same arm rests front and back. Hope not.
  5. S

    WANTED Arm Rest

    Thank you.
  6. S

    For Sale Parting 1960 Plymouth savoy wagon

    Hi there do you have the rear arm rests? I need one if it is the same as my '60 Fury. Can you email me a picture or upload one here please?
  7. S

    For Sale Parting 1957 Plymouth 4 door Belvedere

    What does the rear arm rests look like? I need one for my '60 Fury.
  8. S

    WANTED Arm Rest

    Hi there everyone. I am looking for a rear arm rest for my '60 Plymouth Fury. Reason I joined this group is because I found a link to a 1960 Plymouth Fury wagon being parted on this site and now can not find it. It was posted sometime in October last year. But yes please of anyone might have one...