volksworld's latest activity

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    volksworld replied to the thread What's it worth?.
    FuryGT on here was asking over 20 grand for his stroker 68 fury...I know it sold but no idea whether he came down in price...oops just...
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    I've had small stuff done like an antenna bezel ($50) and Sport Fury seat medallions ($30 each)...chrome shop did all prep work ...pits...
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    volksworld replied to the thread Brake bleeders..
    also bought the mity-vac a couple years ago to test the vacuum actuators when rebuilding my a/c heater core box...just installed a sure...
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    the hydro lock could be fuel...a compression test with a pressure tester on radiator could show water leak, or running the engine and...
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    volksworld replied to the thread U Joints on driveshaft.
    too large in diameter or too wide?