Recent content by Yooperdan

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    1965 Monaco Tach Drive

    Thanks for the info, appreciated
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    1965 Monaco Tach Drive

    Hi Ross, I have a ‘65 sporty 383 with tach not working any insight into the tach retrofit company? I also love the console tach look! Thank you, Yooperdan
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    Another antenna question

    Was it an option to have the antenna on placed on the rear fender? I’ve seen one 65 Sporty with it like that. (Midnight Rider, is yours factory?) Different look kinda like it. Thanks, Yooperdan
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    65 sporty antenna question

    Funny I didn’t know I “needed” one till I had seen the correct one! Amazed I found one lucky. It was $205 + shipping
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    65 sporty antenna question

    Hi Moparists, Mission accomplished I think Picked this NOS antenna up. Part #25(8)0410 said it was for 65 Fury I II III so I figured Sporty too. Thank you for the replies and suggestions it’s appreciated. Yooperdan
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    65 sporty antenna question

    Many thanks for the reply, that answers that question. Would love to see what the original antenna would look like if anyone might have a pic. Thanks again great group here always helpful… Go Mopar…Go Lions
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    65 sporty antenna question

    Looking for the black plastic piece thats under the antenna bezel on top of the fender. About 17/8ths diameter withe a dome and vertical piece on top for antenna to slide through. Anyone happen to have oneor thoughts on where I could get one? Thank for any help.
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    66 daily driver

    Beautiful ride, kinda partial to the body style too! (I have a 65 Sporty) Is the grille blacked out? Looks great on your car. Enjoy your fine ride…Sporty on!
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    On a Sunday afternoon…..
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    U.P. Mama ‘65 Sporty

    Might I say I’m liking your style…nice ride Pard
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    U.P. Mama ‘65 Sporty

    Thinking of calling her Sweet Jane or Rosie (as in Whole Lotta Rosie) She’s running good and I’m enjoying the hell outta her…top down of course
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    FM Converter question

    Anyone have any experience with one of these converters for an AM radio? Thinking of trying one for the Sporty. Thanks, Yooperdan