WANTED 1971 Plymouth Sport Fury trim

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Apr 7, 2024
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Looking for specifically the driver rear quarter trim (picture attached for reference). I know they are made of unobtainium, but hopefully someone here has one squirreled away. Located in Puget Sound area but willing to pay shipping for quality/restorable piece.

i might have 1, i will have to do some searching.
it was on the car several years ago but its not now.... might be in the trunk
its prob not in great shape



here's what i have
in the last pic the curved piece is the driver's side





Looking for specifically the driver rear quarter trim (picture attached for reference). I know they are made of unobtainium, but hopefully someone here has one squirreled away. Located in Puget Sound area but willing to pay shipping for quality/restorable piece.
My son bought a 71 Sport Fury donor a month or so back to use what he needed and sell off the remainder. 'Thermal' event completely burned out the interior to bare metal, but the exterior, trunk, and engine compartment are in pretty good shape. I believe the driver side molding is in as good of shape as the passenger photo. I'll ask him if he is willing to part with the molding. PM me if I don't reply by mid-week next week as I have likely forgotten. We are in Oakland, Tennessee 38060 Don't believe he is planning to replace molding to his daily driver.
Donor 71 Sport Fury.jpg
My son bought a 71 Sport Fury donor a month or so back to use what he needed and sell off the remainder. 'Thermal' event completely burned out the interior to bare metal, but the exterior, trunk, and engine compartment are in pretty good shape. I believe the driver side molding is in as good of shape as the passenger photo. I'll ask him if he is willing to part with the molding. PM me if I don't reply by mid-week next week as I have likely forgotten. We are in Oakland, Tennessee 38060 Don't believe he is planning to replace molding to his daily driver.
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Good score on this donor car. If those rocker panel moldings are in good shape, save them as they are impossible to find. The posting party has not responded to any of the posts.
Good score on this donor car. If those rocker panel moldings are in good shape, save them as they are impossible to find. The posting party has not responded to any of the posts.

Yep, wish the interior had survived, but there are a lot of good exterior part and under the hood parts he can use (or save for future needs). Was really surprised at how good the the moldings and chrome are. Was hoping the top was better to replace his, but heat really did a number to it (though he found one last week and will go get it in a few weeks).

Donor Interior 71 Sport Fury.jpg
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