Search results for query: *

  1. Fireflite56

    I need help with info about VIN/ ID / model of my 1968 Chrysler 300

    You're welcome - glad to help! Here's sentinel lighting. This link has the data book for reference on options, equipment, colors, etc: The 1970 Hamtramck Registry - 1968 Chrysler Dealership Data Book - Index & Specifications My car has power antenna and code Q9, so that likely is what it...
  2. Fireflite56

    I need help with info about VIN/ ID / model of my 1968 Chrysler 300

    I forgot to mention that mine has that option, but I do have power antenna as well. That fits my car and I have code Q9.
  3. Fireflite56

    Is the ‘Certicard’ in the engine bay common?

    Not as much worried about theft as I am with further deterioration, though pettier things have been swiped before. One corner is corroded to where part of it is missing. I don't want more of it to disappear by retaining moisture or something. This way, it's safe in the folder with all the...
  4. Fireflite56

    I need help with info about VIN/ ID / model of my 1968 Chrysler 300

    I found the same thing for Q9 as well, but my '68 300 has that code with no Sentinel Lighting. This is how mine decoded: b5 Folding arm rest (buddy seat), order code 485 h7 Fender mounted turn signal indicators u1 Sold car when built (someone ordered it)...
  5. Fireflite56

    I need help with info about VIN/ ID / model of my 1968 Chrysler 300

    From your VIN: CM = 1968 Chrysler 300 23 = Body, 2 door hardtop L = Engine, 440 HP (TNT) 8 = Year, 1968 C = Production plant, Jefferson 233626 = Unique sequence number to car From your data tag: h7 = Fender mounted turn signal indicators k7 = Passenger mirror u1 = Sold car when built (someone...
  6. Fireflite56

    Is the ‘Certicard’ in the engine bay common?

    That's what I am doing with the one from my '66 Fury III I purchased off the original owner - keep the real one safe and put another one in the pocket for show.
  7. Fireflite56

    Pair of 1968 300's tag decode

    Does anyone know what Q9 is a code for? The online decoders indicate "Sentinel lighting", but my '68 300 doesn't have that option. I thought maybe tilt/telescopic since I couldn't account for that one (or power antenna) anywhere else on the fender tag? I see above that it's decoded as j0, but I...
  8. Fireflite56

    Pair of 1968 300's tag decode

    I looked at the comments here and concur on the additions and corrections stated with the exception of downplaying the importance of the sequence number on the lower right and the VIN number in terms of production information. While not as important as other codes mentioned here, both are...
  9. Fireflite56

    69 383 engine paint

    It was the same turquoise, allowing for slight variations between plants/years/batches, until 1970 when they changed to the Chrysler Corporate Blue.
  10. Fireflite56

    69 383 engine paint

    I used the Hirsch '57-'58 Pontiac Turquoise (in person it looks more greenish, more correct, than on my screen), hardware store semi-gloss black, and I had the exhaust manifolds ceramic coated locally in "cast gray" color.
  11. Fireflite56

    69 383 engine paint

    Phone cameras never capture the color correctly (and looks different on different screens) as is the case '66 Fury engine together and back in the car.
  12. Fireflite56

    Carlisle 2025

    For those that aren't aware, there is a big Chrysler 100th anniversary event being headed up by the WPC (Walter P Chrysler) Club in conjunction with the regular Chryslers at Carlisle event. Other national clubs, such as the National DeSoto Club (which I am very active in), Dodge Brothers Club...
  13. Fireflite56

    69 383 engine paint

    I'm pretty sure that 1631 is going to be the 1970+ blue, not the turquoise you want for 1969. The number you'd want to be looking at is 1619, Chrysler Green. I evaluated that one in my video below, along with Ford Green 1617 and Detroit Diesel Alpine Green 1618 and did not choose any of the...
  14. Fireflite56

    ‘77 Newport Hardtop Weatherstripping

    You might try Murray Park. With all the cars he has parted out, he might have some good used seals.
  15. Fireflite56

    69 383 engine paint

    I authored the Yet Another Chrysler Turquoise Engine Paint Thread....But Maybe The Last? thread and created the video linked there. I spent a lot of time looking at available options on the market, including DupliColor and Mopar paints. The only one I did not try that was suggested, aside from a...
  16. Fireflite56

    66 NYr window motor price?

    I believe Murray tests his uses ones before selling them:
  17. Fireflite56

    Finding you cars history

    US-built cars through 1967 have the build cards available for free through Chrysler Historical. They will also tell you the original selling dealer. Here's a link with the form and instructions:
  18. Fireflite56

    WANTED 1967 Newport Fasttop Rear Glass Interior upper Trim

    I also likely have some from a '68, but it sounds like @Rainy Day has you taken care of there.
  19. Fireflite56

    1966 Fury Transmission ID

    For additional context on the 727s, you'll find two sets of numbers on the driver's side of the housing, just above the pan. One is the part number. On the pre-1968 transmissions, there is a second 7-digit number and that is NOT a date code as you'll find many people stating. Date coding, an...
  20. Fireflite56

    Canadian 1960 Forward Look cars. The differences from the US cars.

    Canadian '60 DeSotos used the Chrysler interior. At the National DeSoto Club convention in Chatham, Ontario last year, we got to see a number of Canadian DeSotos (quite a few '60s included) alongside their US counterparts and compare differences. On the '59, Canada filled in some of the rear...