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  1. Wonderwagon

    The toys that made a difference to you...

    Two barrels, these plus matchbox cars, keep'em busy.
  2. Wonderwagon

    Frt door glass installation.

    If my memory serves me and the difficulty in getting a piece of glass out in the yard last week. This assembly slips in from the outside of the window frame. The body type is a wagon which is the same door as the sedan. The vent wing, front guide for the door glass and the glass go in as an...
  3. Wonderwagon

    Found two in the wild 69 lower dash covers

    Out picking a undamaged wheel housing and screws to attac the windows to the operators. (Hope i have the channels that attach to the windows, thought of this yesterday on the way back). While browsing the donors, I keep an eye out. One was in the back seat, the other buried under a whole lot of...
  4. Wonderwagon

    Product stickers from the 60/ 70's

    Not sure why this one survived off of a folder but it did. Had Cherry Bomb one as well. Digging for another thing and found this.
  5. Wonderwagon

    What did you do to your C-body today....

    Worked on the steering column lower trim panel.
  6. Wonderwagon

    Restoration Cost Advice - 69 Imperial Coupe

    Determine parts, their costs. Paint line and cost. Add together, multiple by three for a guesstimate
  7. Wonderwagon

    What did you do to your C-body today....

    Nothing exciting, got the side glass down. Getting ready to install it, finding the hardware, thinking through cleaning up the tracks and operators.
  8. Wonderwagon

    Frank B. Rhodes plans for Chrysler.

    Where did the hemi powered car profits go? Maserati, Fiat to name and few
  9. Wonderwagon


    Welp, we agree on the brace. It's correct for a Chrysler, must have pulled it off a later than 70 C Body. Back to Wisconsin for a shopping trip.
  10. Wonderwagon


    1969 Plymouth, Custom Fury 2bbl 383. Two brackets. One I powdered coated, thinking it was the battery tray brace, it isn't. Battery tray brace is "L" shapped; inverted when installed. The other bracket was painted by the "shop". Went through the assembly manual, and the parts book. Hive thoughts?
  11. Wonderwagon

    Who's in the eclipse zone?

    We were, got to a odd half light in Chicago. Used a piece of Obsidian rock to view it. Semi transparent stone native to areas around Mexico City.
  12. Wonderwagon

    Chicago world of wheels 2024

    A couple of the hone team
  13. Wonderwagon

    recommendations Salt Lake City / Chicago

    Art institute, unrivaled collection of Monets, Field or Musem of Science and Industry, Sears Tower or John Hancock observatories, Klairmont Collection on the NW side, Volo if your up for a drive, and my home town favorite Super Dog. Salt Lake City a drive up to Park City/ Deer Valley, Golden...
  14. Wonderwagon

    Summer in Vietnam

    Been to Japan twice, bullet train out of Tokyo, visual treat most interesting to see. China twice, both times Hunan province. Amazing how they are both different from the other, and Vietnam is undoubtedly the same to both. Glad I've seen a slice of the world.
  15. Wonderwagon

    Life Updates: Haven’t touched my ‘68 in months

    Feel your pain, been sorting the hardware mess the shop I hired left me. Found two more, 6 of the eight I need for the fender extensions on my 69 plymouth. Have the last two on a donor car fender. Claimed a victory towards reassemble, small steps will equal victory.
  16. Wonderwagon

    FURYGT shout out

    Traveling to Winston-Salem NC, made time to stop at FuryGt's home for way-ward Plymouths. Picked up a nice 69 wheel opening trim piece and a couple of other pieces of brick a brack for my wagon. Nice after noon with a good dose of hospitality. Finished off with a ride in the Sport Fury. Thanks...
  17. Wonderwagon

    Photos of Vintage Auto Dealerships, Repair Shops, and Gas Stations

    A trip, to Winston-Salem yielded this little gem. Claims to be the last Shell shaped shell gas station.
  18. Wonderwagon

    World of Wheels Chicago March 3-5

    Any thoughts of attending?
  19. Wonderwagon

    Restaurants & Diners

    Next to Bob's Big Boy in Burbank, CA. My hometown and favorite is Superdawg a hot dog stand, just to be clear. Since 1948
  20. Wonderwagon

    Klairmount Kollections

    Figured out he couldn't take the $$ with him?