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  1. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    I haven't forgotten about the Corovet. It's constantly on my mind while on vacation and will get more love when I return next month... (I know you guys must have been concerned LOL)
  2. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Alignment from door to 1/4 panel issue solved. Even though I made the metal bracket the same thickness as the mockup wood spacer, I increased the length effectively pushing the door skin out. Pulled it apart, cut the bracket now all is well... PIA to pull it apart, but glad I know the fix.
  3. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    You can sort of see where I screwed up the door to 1/4 alignment in this pic.... The door skin bulges out now about at the body trim line.
  4. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Projects on hold for a few weeks....
  5. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    ... and other than this new piece, the 1959 outer panel has brackets that are bolted to the corvette door structure as well as the rest of the hem.
  6. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    New steel panel riveted to fiberglass door structure then uses original 1959 pinched hem. I will also reweld the handful of 1959 spot welds on the hem. 1 problem... It seems I've reshaped the 1959 skin and now it no longer lines up nicely with the 1/4 panel. It lined up very well before this...
  7. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Inner panels installed... Still need to create a little piece from that 1959 triangle shaped piece down to the new piece....
  8. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Made 2 panels to connect the Corvette inner door structure to the hem at the rear of the Coronet door skin. Went pretty well til my angle grinder went tits up.
  9. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Grinding skills improving. Welding skills still very sketchy... Right door small filler panel installed...
  10. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Bought the pricey short strand fiberglass filler. It was recommended on the cabover by a buddy and has performed perfectly. No cracking at all.
  11. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    I am certainly no expert but I'm persistent. I've learned a lot over the years. For instance, I had a Jeep FC150 pickup I sold 20 years ago cuz I didn't have the skills to fix the body.... Today I could even though my body skills are still pretty rudimentary... Made the patch for the driver's...
  12. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Primed... some mudd next to hide my sins... I know my buddy told me about something with strands in it. What the hell was that...
  13. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Finally got the door filler panels nearly done for both sides... Just a little more tweaking and then weld 'em in... Real happy with the new door alignment. Got to decide what's next up. Doors still need a little filler piece up by the fender then I need to figure out what I'll do inside the...
  14. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Boris' long lost cousin??
  15. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Moved the right door 1959 sheet metal back about an 1/8". Real happy with the new door gap to the rear quarter... Not as excited about the fin alignment on top... Prolly screw with that a little more...
  16. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Oh yeah, I ran onto this gem too....
  17. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Slow progress on the doors, left one is near welding in status... Right one should go a little faster from the things I've learned... I bought a plug-in-the-cig-lighter bluetooth thing so we can listen to Pandora instead of what's become of FM radio. It works pretty well, but both 12V outlets...
  18. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone here...
  19. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    Mystery solved... When I pushed the topmost portion of the door skin down 1/8 or so, it also pushed the rod connecting the 1959 exterior handle to the 1998 latch/lock mechanism down. That small downward amount kept the manual and electric lock mechanism from allowing an unlock. Adjust that rod...
  20. W

    Bastardized 1959 "Coronet" build

    What the hell did I do?? I added a bracket from the 59 skin to the FG door structure before finalizing the new top door sheet metal...... Now the door is closed and won't unlock!!! It's a simple bracket, what could I have screwed up?