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  1. Sixpactogo

    '66 Newport turn signals

    I hope you meant inch pounds. I never used a torque wrench on any that I have put together.
  2. Sixpactogo

    WANTED Carter Strip Kit 10-115 or 10-203

    I have 10-203. $145.00 shipped
  3. Sixpactogo

    Does anyone have a 1966 parts diagram catalog?

    I know this is an old thread and I can't say for certain but I believe you can replace the sender and or seal without dropping the tank. Have you tried that?
  4. Sixpactogo

    Rear diff axle install gone wonky during center section swap HELP PLEASE??

    Back off the adjuster on the right side axle a few turns and try it again.
  5. Sixpactogo

    Welcome, Smokeater9110

    Welcome from Wisconsin!
  6. Sixpactogo

    Welcome, phoenixgirl

    Welcome from Wisconsin!
  7. Sixpactogo

    NOT MINE 1960 Dodge dart SXT Sport Rallye Sedan 2 DR Sedan $5,800 Phoenix AZ

    Looks to be a Pioneer model. Most Pioneers didn't have the fender spears or the gravel guards. Is it a 318 2 bbl? It has the same high end mirrors as my 60 Phoenix does. Not many of those left since they were the first unibody cars with no rustproofing. Most rusted out in the first few years.
  8. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    OK......You have power brakes. I see a hose on your brake booster. It is coming off of the intake Tee. Apparently, as Big John mentioned, the canister at the front is for your AC system. The hose going back thru the firewall is the vacuum for your heater / AC controls. You mentioned your heater...
  9. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    So........Manual brakes with AC. That is a strange combination for a C body. Apparently you have vacuum headlight doors also since you have the vacuum cannister up front. Hopefully the Factory Service Manual will show you the routing. Maybe someone with a similar car will join in with some info.
  10. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    It has been a few years so I'm not positive but I think I turned on the heat and defroster and checked the compressor to see if it was running for a short time then shut off. Pretty sure I got the info from the FSM. I have not tested it since 2015 so the procedure could be different. By the...
  11. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    Yeah, it makes sense to me also. For me, the trouble is Wisconsin weather pretty much puts my cars in hibernation for 5 months and I'm not willing to move to a warmer climate.
  12. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    When I finished the resurrection of my 68 Charger, I verified the time delay worked. That was back in 2016. I'm pretty sure I have not used the defroster at all since then. I have used the AC every year though.
  13. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    Yes. As I said, it only affects running the AC when the heat and defrost is selected. That is it's only purpose.
  14. Sixpactogo

    What is this piece on the firewall?

    It appears to be the way is should be. Those time delays are supposed to run the AC for a short time to aid in de-fogging the windshield. I suspect by now most no longer work or are needed as these cars are seldom daily drivers. I would ignore it.
  15. Sixpactogo

    Electronic ignition conversion tips

    I can't say I've had any experience with the newer China made ECU's but I suspect the biggest reason for their failure could be caused by poor installation. Namely, the lack of a good ground. As for me, I have never had an ECU failure since I learned about the case ground issue back in the...
  16. Sixpactogo

    Electronic ignition conversion tips

    I too vote for the mopar kit. Only other advice I have is to verify the case ground on the ECU is less than .5 ohms. Without a good case ground, the transistor will overheat and shut you down till it cools off. That seems to be the biggest issue with these swaps.
  17. Sixpactogo

    Toyota washer bottle in a 67 Fury

    Great fix when you have neither of them. I like the combo concept. I have the correct washer bottle in my 65 Sport Fury. It never had a coolant bottle so I pilfered one from a newer C body back in the early 80's when I restified my car. No idea which car it came from anymore but it fit where I...
  18. Sixpactogo

    For Sale Parting 1960 Plymouth savoy wagon

    Some 60 Dodge & Plymouth wagons had a front sway bar. Does this one?
  19. Sixpactogo

    Can't Be Too Careful - Sad Day!

    Yeah........Sad news for sure! With all the idiots out there texting and otherwise not paying attention to what they are doing these days, everyone is at risk. Thankfully he didn't get totaled along with his car.
  20. Sixpactogo

    question on transmission line cooler hose

    I don't know what the running pressure is on the cooler lines but it is not high pressure that would blow a hose clamp off IMO. As far as a 727, they do tend to leak in a few places. One of the most popular places is at the kick down linkage lever. The best way to find the leak is to clean all...