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  1. J

    Trailer/tow hitch

    I imagine that will hold up for no more than what you will be towing. I would just be sure to check on those bolts a few times after you put some miles on it to make sure they don't loosen up any. Your wagon is bluetiful!
  2. J

    Carlisle 2025

    I would definitely pay for a good back massage if they had that going on in there.
  3. J

    Members we haven’t heard from in a while.

    I still think this is a good service that has potential. And then you could add on things like some updates on your forums/groups and social media.
  4. J

    I am taking a break nothing personal

    Ya, I really want to swap one of our GT350 twin turbo setups into a early/mid 60s ranchero with proper suspension and such....just so much time and money to do it like I want.
  5. J

    I am taking a break nothing personal

    This super clean rampage poped up on fbm close to me. While finfing one of those in good shape is rare, that price is a bit of a reach imo. 1983 Chrysler rampage · Prospector Edition
  6. J

    Carlisle 2025

    My friend Brian in a kind of jokingly manner refers to them as scrap meets lol. There is some accuracy to that statement at times. But whats one mans trash is another mans treasure I suppose!
  7. J

    I am taking a break nothing personal

    I'm my experince they are a friendly, welcoming kind people generally speaking. Maybe too trusting to a fault at times.
  8. J

    I am taking a break nothing personal

    Ya, I have watched south park far more than is probably healthy lol. Its funny how spot on they have been and many time way ahead of things that end up proving out.
  9. J

    Carlisle 2025

    When we setup at the Ford show there we arrive Wednesday night and drop the trailer. Then setup first thing Thursday morning. Otherwise getting big trailers into the booth space becomes very difficult as the day wears on.
  10. J

    I am taking a break nothing personal

    Hmm....I got the vibe that throwing down here wasn't welcome
  11. J

    Carlisle 2025

    Yes, Friday and Saturday are the 2 big days. Sunday they do the awards and people start clearing out by noon on it seems. That's why I like to get in Thursday evening.
  12. J

    Carlisle 2025

    Btw, if any of you traveling from Indy that are driving your cars run into problems along the way that can't be easily fixed, I would be willing to unload one of my cars and help you make the journey. You will get stuck driving the omni as I will have it on the rear spot for weight...
  13. J

    Carlisle 2025

    I "plan" on getting on the road by 9-10 am on Thursday the 10th. I will be leaving from just south of Indy with my 1977 Chrysler Town & Country and my 1985 Dodge Omni GLH Turbo. My friend Brian will be traveling with me as well. He is bringing his 1970 sublime green super bee 6 pack car...
  14. J

    Trailer/tow hitch

    Perfect! Thanks!
  15. J

    Trailer/tow hitch

    Send me a link or front cover image of that one and I will buy one off ebay. Can never have too much literature
  16. J

    just finished my 1969 New Yorker

    Good call, I will delete it and PM him
  17. J

    Trailer/tow hitch

    Big John, any way you can get a larger and clearer image of the bottom right picture for the one shown for the wagon. It showing the dimensions is a huge time saver if they transfer over to the 74-77 wagons Thanks
  18. J

    Trailer/tow hitch

    I have a feeling I will have to end up making one as finding a wagon in the wild is hard enough, let alone one with the HD hitch. I do have a CNC laser and press brake so I could make most of this, just very time consuming to make a one off piece. And secondly not sure where the price would...
  19. J

    just finished my 1969 New Yorker

    If you want to post more pictures maybe try emailing to one of us from your phone and we could post more pictures for you. We are all in smitten with your C-body and preservation! You can send them to my email if you want to give it a try and I will get them up for you. Might limit it to 4-5...