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  1. bulldogchesty

    Welcome Bossssssss to FCBO!

  2. bulldogchesty

    Welcome Bossssssss to FCBO!

    Where in upstate New York. I'm from Ticonderoga.
  3. bulldogchesty

    What is the current State-of-the-Art Anti-Rust paint?

    I use cat pee. That stuff never goes away.
  4. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Now a Gold star member, woohoo.
  5. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Yes, very much alive.
  6. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. My health is doing great. No I haven't done anything with my convertible. Everyone be safe.
  7. bulldogchesty


    I may go. Thanks.
  8. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Surgery went well. I am already walking without a cane in my house. Thanks for the encouragement.
  9. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Hello all, still alive. I haven't been on my computer in a while. Guess what, I have another surgery scheduled for Aug. 16 to get a new right hip. It has been bad for a year, very painful. I will let you all know how it goes. Miss everyone.
  10. bulldogchesty

    Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild

    You can do it. Post pics.
  11. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Home recovering, and doin well. Thanks for all your support.
  12. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    I had the surgery and all went well. It was more complicated than I realized, but am doing well.
  13. bulldogchesty

    Still alive:

    Good news all. I go in for surgery Wednesday to have my reversal procedure to remove this ziplock bag from my stomach. looking forward to getting it off.
  14. bulldogchesty

    How does Rockauto work???

    I get my part numbers from RA and buy them on Amazon.
  15. bulldogchesty

    At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

    No. I am working there as is. I'm a tough mother humper.
  16. bulldogchesty

    At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

    Thanks guys. I'm looking forward to healthier days. I know it will come. I have a wonderful family and good friends. I do call you all my friends.
  17. bulldogchesty

    At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

    I still have the desire to work on my 68 Newport, but my body has let me down. I need a hip replacement and it hurts a lot just to walk. I also had 8 inches of colon removed and am now wearing a bag to ****, temporary as it may be, it still sucks.
  18. bulldogchesty

    Mystery Tool Help Needed

    I saw the tool used on a car show.
  19. bulldogchesty

    Mystery Tool Help Needed

    It's to install a rope seal. You put the rope seal in the cup of the bearing retainer and tap it down with a hammer to seat the seal in properly.