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  1. P

    windshield wiper motor rebuild

    I do a full restoration now. Disassemble, soak, acid dip, blast, grind the cylinder to remove any pitting, spin to remove any grind marks, send for plating, reassemble. Lifetime warranty. Of course, right now I'm dealing with a hurricane, so I'm hit and miss right now I'm shutting everything...
  2. P

    Splash Shields '69 Fury III

    Glad the information was helpful. Thanks for the welcome. I'm around on the forums just don't think I'd registered or checked in over here, my bad on that one. If you need any assist with the motor, shoot me a line, an email or pick up the phone.
  3. P

    Splash Shields '69 Fury III

    When you're getting just one speed does the motor go through it's full park cycle or does it just shut off wherever you shut it off at? That's usually one of two problems. Either it's a 2 speed switch with a 3 speed motor OR it could be ground to the switch. The motor will act the same on...