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  1. Samplingman

    Old stuff you still use.

    LOL, they made a toy train of that.
  2. Samplingman

    I asked deepseek what is the most popular Chrysler C-body car

    AI descriptions on eBay are rampant. Usually the same "fluff" with no actual information about the item. I click on by without even looking at the pics. If you are too lazy to actually type a few description lines then I don't need to give you my business. I can't even look at photos on FB...
  3. Samplingman

    New 1:43 scale collectible = 1968 Chrysler 300 - available in May

    Here is a 1/43 model of a 1970 Chrysler Hurst, and it measures 5 1/2 inches long.
  4. Samplingman

    1969 Imperial progress thread

    Wow Julian, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! The camper looks cool, make sure you show us the finished product.
  5. Samplingman

    NOT MINE Another ‘70 Polara vert..

    Might be worth the money if he still has the passenger side mirror. :lol:
  6. Samplingman

    NOT MINE 1974 Dodge Monaco 4 Door Navajo Nation, AZ $12345

  7. Samplingman

    We have lost Rip

    Don’t know what to say, expected but devastating all the same. Thank you @ayilar. My deepest sympathies to his wife and son. RIP @Ripinator, I’m greatful to have known you!
  8. Samplingman

    What did you name your car?

    Haha, I'm not that creative. I don't really like to name my cars, some day I might have to part them out. :) My current project is known as "The Chrysler": my parts car goes by the name of "The Parts Car" or more recently since my son took it over, "TX9" (formally, "The Black Car"): In...
  9. Samplingman

    1973 New Yorker What's it Worth?

    Welcome. What color is it? Do a search of this site in the cars for sale forum and note what people are asking. I would say depending on condition and options anywhere from $2500 - $5000, although '73 models do seem to be climbing in value as an alternative to the more pricey older models...
  10. Samplingman

    1971 300

    Don't part this one. I've seen worse put back together, my vert included. If the metal is good and the HTF parts are there, put it together and join the Ratty C-Body club.
  11. Samplingman

    1971 300

    A decent core would be worth $500, core with issues, idk, depends on how good you are with mechanicals. If this is a complete car with all the pieces and decent sheet metal it’s worth gathering it all together. Take inventory and see what’s missing, you can always decide what to do later on...
  12. Samplingman

    1971 300

    If the metal is as good as it looks, that’s a real find. Make sure you grab that front valance sitting on the trunk opening, even dented up they are hard to find.
  13. Samplingman

    Windshield replacement on 1969 Chrysler Town & Country

    I had a professional installer do mine, I wanted the guarantee. He used urethane.
  14. Samplingman

    Windshield replacement on 1969 Chrysler Town & Country

    I just had my windshield done and there are two adjustable spacers at the base. They are made of a metal bracket that screws to the windshield frame and then a wedge of rubber that sits in top to cushion the windshield. Mine were missing on my car along with the windshield so I was able to get...
  15. Samplingman

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    Oh no! I’m sorry I don’t know what to say, what a loss. RIP Scott, you will be missed!
  16. Samplingman

    Colorado Cruise C-Body Style

    Post #295. This is actually before my friend owned it: Lets Play A Game: Last Of The Convertibles
  17. Samplingman

    Lets Play A Game: Last Of The Convertibles

    None that I can see, but I’m still going through my notes. I have a spread sheet, do you mind if I combine your list with mine? It would make it easier to check for duplicates.
  18. Samplingman

    Lets Play A Game: Last Of The Convertibles

    Excellent work! I only have 28 of them cataloged, but I’ve not really kept consistent records. BTW, you have my EB7 listed twice.:)
  19. Samplingman

    Are all floors the same?

    Looks like a great project, welcome to the forum. I'm using the pans from a '73 New Yorker 2-door to fix a 1970 Chrysler 300. Other than an odd bead roll here and there, the dimensions are the same from '69-'73, 2 or 4 door, the trunk pan will work too.