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  1. Glider

    1961 Dodge Dart Seneca

    Awsome cool! Here we call them "vacuum cleaner Dodges"... Had a -61 Plymouth once & those are called "lemon eaers", I know a guy who's got loads of 55-62 Mopars & he's got one each, bouth convertibles & both objects. Here's the Plymouth I used to have:
  2. Glider

    NOT MINE FB 1961 police car

    Funny this; I jus yesterday went to look at a guys MoPars, mostly 55-62 Chryslers but he also had a white 2 door post -61 Plymouth tha probably had been a police car! Same condition too...
  3. Glider

    Steering wheel

    I had the same when I gott my -62 Newport & as you can see on my profile pic I just rinsed i & kept the top chrome bit "naked" & liked it like that. I had an idea to put on some clear plastic hose but I thought that in my opinion it might not be as good.
  4. Glider

    manual steering help!!!

    I did the same on my -70 Satellite & it worked just fine, must be poor lubing that causes the problem..?
  5. Glider

    NOT MINE 1960 Plymouth 2 door San Diego,CA 100.00

    Would make a cool nascar clone... Turqoise & "43" . . .
  6. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Tried bleeding as the link sugested, nothing happens... I think I'll scrap the car.
  7. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Okidoki, gonna read that & see what I've missed... Pump looks like this: (what ever type that is)
  8. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    So does anyone know a cure for why the oil don't pass thru the box??? As in the hoses & such are good...
  9. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Got the resistance cleared out, now to another problem... I don't get any powersteering at all! I've checked the pump with the pressure hose to spit in a glass container & the return hose in a bottle with oil & that worx fine, but when I put the return hose now coming from the box into the glass...
  10. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Due to "the rest of life" I haven't been able to get much done until just now & so I loosened the adjusting screw & I think it might have got a wee bit better, but the strange thing is that after almost one turn up with the Allen Key I couldn't back it up more... :( & there's still a bit resistance.
  11. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Done disconnecting shaft earlier, no difference, pitman arm next, exhaust is clear.
  12. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    Sometimes, like now(!), I feel superstupid as I didn't think of that... Sure hope that's the problem, thanx!
  13. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    I just tried it with the hoses disconnected & the engine off, it's half a turn from straight turning to the left. & it's seriously hard to steer but when that half turn on the wheel is done it goes fine again.
  14. Glider

    Steeringbox acting strange...

    When I turn the steering wheel there's a strong(!) "brake" feeling in the wheel just about when I've started turning left, & when I keep turning it goes easy again... & yep; I've lifted the front clear from ground. At first I thought there might be dirt inside but why does it only apear at the...
  15. Glider

    So you don't have $2,000 to get your steering wheel restored.......but, do you have $65 and reasonable expectations?

    In the 90's I had a -62 Newport as daily driver (all my cars have always been daily drivers, that's why I have any car at all) for some years & when I bought it the interior looked like crap big time & the clear plastic on the wheel was badly cracked so I just removed it. The button was also...
  16. Glider

    Mixing brands?

    I've had Buick, Cadillacs, Chevies, Mustangs, Falcons, Fairlane, AMCs, Plymouths, Dodges, Imprial, Chryslers, IHs & Studebaker since the late 70's & even thou I still fancy some Chevies I know it's only because of me being charmed in the past & the over all quality of Chrysler corp & Studebaker...
  17. Glider

    What is your daily driver?

    -55 Studebaker since 11 years now & the -56 N.Y. since 2 years, either one depending on mood...
  18. Glider

    Snowy aouth...

    It's blue. (front whels are 70's b-body at the moment, that's why they sit so far in)
  19. Glider

    Snowy aouth...

    Can't get to edit the head but I was gonna write "Snowy south"! We do get snow in the swedish south & when that happens it's driving day no matter if you need going somewhere or not! So when I left I took a couple pix, it gets les clean snow about two yards ahead...
  20. Glider

    A500 rear bushing - bronse or teflon?

    So why do they even bother selling teflon bushings? "Thinking" / suspecting that it is in one way or another aint helping much compared to knowlage, just saying...