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  • Before: Feb 22, 2025
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  1. Big_John

    Radio removal fail

    A set of E-Z Outs with reverse drills are something that should be in your toolbox. The reverse drills are great because they don't drive the screws in deeper and may actually walk the bolts out. But if you can get in there with the Dremel, go for it...
  2. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    also I'm seeing conflicting information on the direction of the ends. some say face them up, some say face them down. mine appear to be facing up. I think thats what hastings said on the papers. I cant find anything online for hastings but this useless garbage...
  3. Cartel

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    I think I see the issue. the ends seem to be messed up on the oil expander
  4. Whiskytango

    Old stuff you still use.

    Similiar from 70’s. Not sure what the Job Born was used for
  5. Boydsdodge

    something is scratching cylinder 8

    I agree with the above posts, but your engine looks dirty as well. If your oil is getting dirty running the piston through the motions it should cleaned. What is the debris on the deck surface?
  6. cuda hunter

    Price estimate wanted

    Have to mention that David's car is an absolute STUNNER of a car! Definitely makes me like what you are offering more after seeing David's car and picking it apart at the big show.
  7. Sport Fury 67

    Price estimate wanted

    Hey Tony. Thank you for reaching out to us with questions in your efforts to help your neighbor out. Based on the white mustang in the background of one of the photos, you are also a car guy and a outstanding person to be helping your neighbor out. I have to give your neighbor credit for...
  8. cuda hunter

    Price estimate wanted

    Sounds like there would be a lot of factory documentation with this car. An original owner car!! Wow!! Can't wait to see what else you turn up with to add to the few pictures of this awesome car!
  9. cuda hunter

    Old stuff you still use.

    Too cool. American tools. I've seen the socket holder before, maybe even with a socket or two at an auction. The allen handle set up seems like a cool idea that would work in one spot, once or twice a year. Wrench's sure look to be solid. Nothing like the chinese stuff at the stores now...
  10. Trace 300 Hurst

    SOLD Brake Drum Puller Snap on Blue Point Vintage

    I don't have any brake drums that need pulling, but that is a very cool old tool with great patina. It's like industrial sculpture!
  11. R

    Radio removal fail

    I don't own an easy out kit :( , but like, the Chrysler bit is $25. I have a Dremel with a cutting bit for free.. Hell even an easy out kit is $15 at harbor freight. I think I'm gonna try one of those methods and then put regular screws back in on install
  12. rd92west

    C body 4 speed floor hump section

    I have a original C hump. I use it as a pattern to convert the b I can give a fairly accurate way of doing the surgery. But, BUT, before anyone gets all pumped up and Gung ho about 4 speed, source a bellhousing, flywheel and clutch. And a transmission. Then hunt down the torque...

    New project: Allen Engine analyzers, restoration?

    Thanks @MoPar~Man for your advice so far. Pretty certain my power supply is not my issue. Now I am focusing on circuit 101 as it was the recommended first test. As stated before the test port TP101 is supposed to be 1VppACc but am getting a garbage reading. I tracked back to the amplifier...
  14. snickers

    Plymouth sport fury 4 door 1971 switzerland

    Hallo, mein Name ist Pascal Ich habe meinen Fury vor einem Jahr gekauft. Ein Händler hatte ihn in den 70er Jahren von Braungold auf Dunkelgrün umlackiert und dabei sehr schlechte Arbeit geleistet. Und zu allem Überfluss wurden auch noch sämtliche Chrysler-Embleme ausgetauscht. Die vorderen drei...
  15. marko

    NOT MINE New 1970-73 washer reservoirs!

    imperials 69 to 73 used the 69 style
  16. Big_John

    Radio removal fail

    I had the security screws in one of my cars. I can't tell you which one though. I just drilled a hole in the screw heads and walked it out with an E-Z out. Easy as cake.
  17. jrdudeman

    SOLD Brake Drum Puller Snap on Blue Point Vintage

    Brake Drum Puller - Blue Point which is Snap on brand. This is the best brake drum puller you can get. This puller is used but in great working condition. This is the best puller you can get to remove your rear brake drums from your vintage mopar vehicle that has the tapered rear axels...
  18. R

    Radio removal fail

    Allegedly the PO was an old man who only took it to the dealer. So far the story is holding up hah. I read in another thread to take a Dremel with a slice bit and slice a slot into the head and use a screwdriver
  19. 68HemiRR

    For Sale 1968 to 73 318 Kick Down Rod #2806467

    This is a 1968 to 73 318 Kick Down Rod #2806467. It came off of a 1972 318, but may also work on other years and engines. It goes from the bell crank to the kick down lever. It is original, not a china knockoff, and is about 9 3/4" long. $20.00. Local pickup, or buyer pays shipping.
  20. RemCharger

    '66 Newport 2 Door hardtop

    The critic is correct. He said, there shouldn't be.. If the alternator was putting out properly at idle, it would be supplying the current instead of the battery.