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  1. E

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    Not really concerned about the turning circle, it's a boat after all...comes with the territory. But great food for thought in the rest of your post
  2. Big_John

    NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible

    I remembered it was a Fury but couldn't remember the year.
  3. MoPar~Man

    NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible

    Convertible windshields are shared with 4-door cars - yes? They are more vertical than 2-door cars?
  4. MoPar~Man

    NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible
  5. ayilar

    Found this beauty

    Thank you for posting. Lots of power toys. You may want to read about the 1969-1970 H53 AutoTemp issues before jumping in.
  6. 3175375

    Gene Hackman

    RIP I had not known about BAT 21 and will watch it soon. A couple of my favorite Hackman movies are Unforgiven and Crimson Tide.
  7. C

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    As to steering effort and "feel", the physical mechanical ratio in the gearbox is pretty much what it is, unlike the similar GM800 gearbox which has all kinds of constant or variable ratios and firmness calibrations from the factory. PLUS the aftermarket items which make it the darling of the...
  8. amazinblue82

    Gene Hackman

    man, this situation keeps getting more and more strange. info coming out in drips/drabs looks damn peculiar. of course i didnt know this man personally. we (fans) sometimes think we know our favorite stars like that (because we like their work) -- but we dont. they're just people .. rich...
  9. E

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    Oh yeah I definitely made sure that the stands were on the frame and not the suspension. I blasted the **** out of ALL threads with the pressure washer on the laser setting. Very clean and ripe for an overnight soaking with some ATF which works really well as a penetrant...50/50 acetone/ATF mix...
  10. J

    NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible

    The front plate explains everything.
  11. 68 4spd Fury

    NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible

    Do you need the "helmet 24/7" to drive it? Interesting conversion but if you want a 68 Convertible, they aren't THAT hard to find.
  12. customsportsman

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    Some thoughts on torsion bar unloading: 1) Try to get the dirt and crud out of the exposed threads if you can. Put some penetrating oil on the bolts and let them soak for a while before even thinking about touching those bolts. 2) This sounds dumb but be sure that you are unloading the...
  13. '66 Fury I

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    If you remove the tension on the t-bar adjusters, the control arms may move farther with the jack. Just a thought. Lindsay
  14. R

    Found this beauty

    I’m going to look/buy it on Saturday and will get some photos. Restotred.
  15. E

    67 Fury front suspension rebuild

    Firm Feel doesn't have a way to increase the steering ratio with an existing box do they? Unfortunately for me the RHD cars have mounting holes that don't line up with the LHD steering boxes, so something like a Borgeson box is out of the question. Was hoping to have a faster ratio and tighter...
  16. FCBO Administrator

    Welcome, chillyfriesxd

    Join me in welcoming @chillyfriesxd to FCBO.