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  1. T

    For Sale 72 new yorker

  2. crv

    WANTED Want to purchase a 65 Chrysler 300

    Old listing, perhaps still for sale?
  3. C

    68 fury vin help

    Plymouth had 2 rooflines of 2dr hardtops in 1968. The "23" denotes a 2dr hardtop. The "X" defines it as a Fastop hardtop style of Fury III. Normally, the 2nd letter denotes the "Price Class" rather than roofline style. These things are denoted in both the "INFO" pages of the Chrysler Parts...
  4. S

    Turn Signal Woes

    I couldn't bring myself to try the temporary "fix". It wasn't exactly fun to get out, but I won the battle, no small thanks to the comments here. I'm going to fabricate a replacement from scratch, so I'll post pictures of that as I go.
  5. 67newport

    Heavy Metal

    pulling the tube out from under the machine
  6. 67newport

    Some more classic pictures

  7. 67newport

    Restaurants & Diners

  8. crv

    Paint Restoration (Finally)

    Now we need to see the rest of the car...
  9. 69CoronetRT

    68 fury vin help

    PX= Fury III with fasttop as opposed to PM w/o Fasttop
  10. cuda hunter

    For Sale 72 new yorker

    Is the color B5?
  11. 67newport

    vintage pics of women & cars

  12. C

    68 fury vin help

    Might, not mind, and p is for fury
  13. 67newport

    vintage pics of downtown America

  14. MrMoparCHP

    1968 Plymouth Fury I Police Car! Walk Around, Fender Tag Decode, & parts car

    Fastback. Not sure why it wasn't a 29 on the body code, this is the only car I know of that did this. Alan
  15. C

    68 fury vin help

    P is for for x is supposed to be the class idk only thing I found is it mind be a fast top car
  16. C

    68 fury vin help

    What model does the Data Plate indicate?
  17. 67newport

    vintage pics of women & cars

  18. C

    Paint Restoration (Finally)

    When you get older, you can appreciate how well an orbital buffer can work. Especially a 20V model! Just do NOT use a thick, lambswool-style pad. All the buffer will do is sit there and vibrate, no movement, as all of the motion is absorbed by the pad! BTDT Enjoy! CBODY67