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  • Before: Mar 7, 2025
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  1. 3175375

    Voyager 1 and 2 still alive!!!! 38,000 mph!

    Oh but you are missing my point. They best fix this FAST because the government WILL get involved and it won’t be helpful on many levels.
  2. F

    For Sale Door lock knob set

    Door lock knob set. Fits many. $8.00 cash in person, U.S. postal money order, PayPal friends and family option preferred but I will accept the PayPal goods and services option if you agree to cover the 4% fee. If you need this item shipped, buyer pays shipping. The item is located in central...
  3. hacksaw71

    Fuel tank whoa's

    i have used 66 B body tanks. but it was on a wagon with only the spaire tire not a 3rd row. the shape of the tank fit around it like it was ment to be there.
  4. hacksaw71

    WANTED Thermoquad 9023s

    PM sent
  5. 66sptfry

    Welcome, 1badpolara

  6. 66sptfry

    Welcome, a100addict

  7. amazinblue82

    Voyager 1 and 2 still alive!!!! 38,000 mph!

    They are the only game in town, Chief, AND they really are a good company (harmonic problems, however, are difficult to isolate in a machanical doohickey THAT big, and powerful), AND we still gotta get to Mars. I predict, your Neph can likely be there as long as he wants to be. If I (not me...
  8. fakirone

    For Sale FAST Fuel Air Spark Technology XFI System - EFI Fuel Injection

    Brand new in boxes. Everything you need besides main harness and distributor. I have those, but for Chevy 1997-2005 5.7, so not for most of us. Would prefer to sell as a package, but could split up. Retails for $3885.79, would like $2500 for everything. For those that are wondering, the shop...
  9. Aquaman

    Shock Grommet Removal?

    Does that metal sleeve get reused? There is not one in the boxes with the new shocks.
  10. 6PKRTSE

    WANTED New Yorker Driver's side window/door control

    I just took mine apart, cleaned it up, dielectric greased everything on my 74' New Yorker door switch and it has been working fine since.
  11. J

    WANTED New Yorker Driver's side window/door control

    I need a window switch that will work for my 74 New Yorker. It doesn't have to be stock, correct to model, or even nice looking, just functioning. It'll be my daily when gas is cheap, because we all know the old N'orkers pass everything on the highway but a gas station. Here is a photo of the...
  12. 3175375

    Voyager 1 and 2 still alive!!!! 38,000 mph!

    FAA is now involved. ‘Free’ help is coming. They best figure this out or they’ll quickly become like Boeing. I don’t believe that, but it’s up to them. Ona good note, if they keep this up, my nephew will have work for life!
  13. cuda hunter

    NOT MINE 1969 300 2dr in Germany

    That is nice! Especially like the oversized exhaust.
  14. amazinblue82

    Voyager 1 and 2 still alive!!!! 38,000 mph!

    Well, they blew up another one yesterday. Unmanned, test, etc., but still .... heck's going on. they'll have to figure it out. They did catch the booster though .. thats a neat feat still They lost (yep, that two in two months) one in Jnaury too, and figured it out. Source: Explosion...
  15. Big_John

    VIN's on engine and transmission

    As I understand it, the VIN should be on the truck's engine/trans too.
  16. F

    SOLD Fuel sending unit ground strap

    Fuel sending unit ground strap short version. $10.00 cash in person, U.S. postal money order, PayPal friends and family option preferred but I will accept the PayPal goods and services option if you agree to cover the 4% fee. If you need this item shipped, buyer pays the shipping cost. The item...
  17. amazinblue82

    NOT MINE 1969 300 2dr in Germany

    Nicely done. Clean, top to bottom. Somebody threw a fair amount of lettuce at this one. Asking 30K €, or about 33 large in USD -- plus the ride, ya really gotta want this one to get it here. Couple other nice old C's listed at this site should one wanna take a look.
  18. EV2RTSE

    WANTED Looking for 2427603 Rear Speaker 6x9

    @Alleycat53 thank you- sent you a message