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  1. cuda hunter

    72 New Yorker with cassette player

    Any chance of seeing a picture of the fender tag? How about some pictures of her bottom? Let's see the rust and rot please. Good looking car in any case. The cassette player should be in the car while it runs down the road. How else does anyone enjoy the part if it isn't in a car.
  2. cuda hunter

    VIN's on engine and transmission

    They will have the stamp. I have seen a few 77's with their stamps. I have a 77 and have been trying to buy a 74 for years from a fella who bought it new. Let's see some pics when you buy it!
  3. Steven Jones

    WANTED Still looking: Need Convertible Top Latch MOPAR #2166049 for my '63 300

    I've been told the latch is the same for years '60 to '64. Not sure if it's same only for C-bodies or all Mopar? There is just one latch, in the center of the header rail. I've attached a close-up photo of the latch. Any help locating one would be appreciated!
  4. G

    It’s ALIVE!

    so, tell us the cars story and what you've had to do.
  5. 300Classy

    WANTED Want to purchase a 65 Chrysler 300

    Feel free to pm me and shoot me some details about it I might just be
  6. M

    Name that girl

    Yeah, she's a "little" older than me for sure. But I sure do remember her from back in the day! Wow, what a sweetheart!
  7. C

    It’s ALIVE!

    Beautiful car! CBODY67
  8. C

    Will dual knob radio fit in the hole?

    Yes, ONE case and mounting lug arrangement. Different faceplates to fit various model years and such. In some of the later models, there might be only ONE wire going to each rear speaker, rather than two. NOT a hard deal to compensate for! Just make and run one ground wire from the...
  9. M

    Name that girl

    Interesting story Big John, seems you were on the opposite end of the age thing most of the time. I was the first child in the family, first grandchild, and even the first great grandchild. Always had younger brother's and sister that I was supposed to look after while the parents were off at...
  10. A

    WANTED New Yorker Driver's side window/door control

    I have a good used one for $80.00 plus shipping. Money orders or check only.
  11. detmatt

    My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!

    Ready to go back on!:usflag:
  12. 66sptfry

    Welcome, mins2mdnt

  13. straightjob

    It’s ALIVE!

    Resurrected after 33 year slumber
  14. jmustian

    Hubcaps restoration

  15. Rick T

    New guy and my new-to-me 66 Convertible!

    My next-door neighbor had one when I was quite young and I always liked that car. I do remember the soft top was in bad shape which was funny to me because it was a newer car at the time but they did drive it year round in Buffalo, New York winter weather.
  16. J

    WANTED New Yorker Driver's side window/door control

    It is a 4 door, sorry I forgot that.
  17. Big_John

    Name that girl

    It's really funny. I was the youngest kid in my family. 12 years between my next older brother and 18 years between my sister and me. So I was the youngest at about every family function until my siblings started having their own kids. I have a nephew that's just 6 years younger. I then...
  18. Big_John

    Interior rehab questions

    The only company making molded OE type carpet is Auto Custom Carpets (ACC). They don't sell direct and you'll have to find a vendor. My vendor of choice is Auto Carpet for Car, Truck, Van - Stock Interiors They seem to have good prices and good service. Your door cards should come off...
  19. 3175375

    Name that girl

    Got it, finally. Another fake blonde was a gigantic distraction!