Search results for query: *

  1. Turbo301

    Wheels won't fit over new disc hub?!

    Boy, I've never had a brake job be so much effort and so full of disappointment as the one I'm doing on my '73 Fury! What should have been easy has been full of FML moments. It didn't desperately need new rear drums, but I sprang for them... and the parts place got me in the wagon ones (3" wide...
  2. Turbo301

    Where are all the fuselage brake calipers?

    I'm looking to put new (or even just rebuilt) calipers onto my '73 Fury, and I cannot find anyone who carries these! Can anyone direct me to a vendor who sells calipers for these?
  3. Turbo301

    Dumb question: removing wheel covers, and right-hand lugs?

    It's embarrassing for me to have to ask, but what's the best way to get my wheel covers off? Typically wheel covers have a pretty pronounced lip a the edge where it's easy to pry, but my Fury's covers are remarkably flush to the rim face, and there's about half-an-inch of rim past the wheel...