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  1. Joeychgo


    FCBO Forum FAQ & Announcements
  2. Joeychgo

    Gold Member renew

    You can cancel them through paypal once you sign up. (actually you did it last time) I'm hoping the newer forum software version will fix that in a few months, but that doesnt help us now.
  3. Joeychgo

    Gold Member renew

    Take a minute and read the whole message again.... That said, you should have expired yesterday --- Im trying to figure out the problem on that.
  4. Joeychgo

    Private messaging

    How to Delete Conversations
  5. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    scroll to the bottom
  6. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    ok - I changed a few of your settings -- lets see if that makes it how you want it
  7. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    but your getting alerts for this thread?
  8. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    and your not getting alerts? Or only some?
  9. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    Just to be clear - when you say you dont get them, exactly what do you mean? What do you think you should get that you arent?
  10. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    generally, if you dont interact with the thread you wont get more notifications for it.
  11. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    No it means -- there are various conditions as to whether or not it displays a notification.
  12. Joeychgo

    Lack of notifications

    its a little complicated - but you have to be active in the thread to continue to be notified
  13. Joeychgo

    Picture Disappears

    Looking into it...
  14. Joeychgo

    spam attacks

    For what it's worth, You've used about 75 different IP addresses to log into the site. @MoPar~Man is right. Almost all of the spammers come from VPNs - who have thousands and thousands of IPs they switch to randomly. I cant' block just some of the VPNs, I would have to block them all...
  15. Joeychgo

    spam attacks

    its a balancing act in many ways. I want to make sure as many parts are available as possible and I want people to be able to buy parts our members sell as well. I have a number of blocked IPS from known spammers that have come here. I checked 10 at random -- None appear on that list.
  16. Joeychgo

    spam attacks

    Other forums are nowhere as busy as ours is (not including the A & B forums). We do quite a bit to limit things from happening. 1 post sales often are from those who simply have extra parts, or are selling parts from someone who past away. Not scammers. Not as easy nor effective as you...
  17. Joeychgo

    How to update a post ?

    You have one week to edit a post.
  18. Joeychgo

    The Beloved Red X

    Not an available option
  19. Joeychgo

    The Beloved Red X

    that was my original thought as well.