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    40th Annual Mopar Expo Pictures

    A great C Body turn out with some cars that I never saw at a Connecticut show when I lived there.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Finders fee paid if someone finds the 71 GT NOS Trim Rings for sale at Carlisle. eight six Oh 4 none Oh six tree eight 4

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    How about some pics of the 300's, slabs & modified C Body cars.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Not true! I was there and I was walking the swap meet but arrived back at my car with heat stroke talking gibirish.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    What is the asking price on the B7 Blue '71 GT? I talked to those people a few years ago when it was for sale but couldn't get them to call me back with answers to my questions.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    LMK if your route home will take you near the greater Charlotte area.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Apparently you were not there on Thursday last year when a Monsoon struck and there was massive flooding in the swap meet area. Maybe bring or buy a wet/dry shop vac and a long extension cord in case the carpet gets soaked.

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    That's the real reason I am not going this year. No hugs! :rofl:

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Let me know when you want to take a trip. Have you every been to the Rockingham Mopar show? How good is it?
  10. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Let me know but Gary is on the other side of the state as I recall. I'm about a half hour north of Charlotte.
  11. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Yes, but you better do so soon as it will be picked up within 2 weeks by the new owner.
  12. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Sorry to say that I have decided to not go to Carlisle this year. With my health issues and my wifes and concerns about bring back COVID 19 to my wife plus addl BS the State of PA has put in place wanting visitors from certain states including NC to quarentine for 2 weeks after you enter PA...
  13. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    It's time for a different perspective on the mask issue. I HATE wearing a mask but I'd like folks to understand my perspective. My wife has a very compromised immune system (so she's not going for the first time in 25+ years). I am a Type II diabetic, have respiratory issues and a weak immune...
  14. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    I didn't make the photo last year as I was busy selling parts but I did make the 2018 photo.
  15. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Far too many of us. As I recall, last year there was some trouble trying to identify everyone in the Carlisle Group Photo. Bill PS: SportFury70 is Eric
  16. FURYGT

    Who is vending at Carlisle 2020? Spaces? What are you bringing?

    I thought it might be helpful to have a thread listing the forum members that will be vending at the Chrysler Nationals, what their space numbers are and what they will be bringing to sell. If anyone any extra space, I am thinking of bringing some things to sell (if I get the time to put things...
  17. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    I posted earlier, no camping for me this year. I will also be at the Carlisle Econo-Lodge.
  18. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    Nothing yet. Since we moved a few months ago it likely went to our prior NC address and will have to wait for it to be forwarded. I did send a message to Carlisle to update the address but did not hear anything from them. The plan as of right now is for us to park together as I am probably...
  19. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    G212 is a class number.
  20. FURYGT

    Carlisle 2020 Official Thread

    I know. It will be on the show field in C Body Modified with a subtle for sale sign. I have seen others do this before with no trouble.