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  • Users: Jengel451
  • Content: Threads
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  1. J

    M/T Valve covers

    Posting for no other reason than to show off a set I stumbled upon. Still in the box, instructions, warranty card, baffles and grommet still in the sealed bag. Friggin things are thick! These are the U.S. made ones from WAY back. So stoked! I feel guilty popping out the plugs for oil filler...
  2. J

    67/68 Fury Tight fit

    First and foremost, it always amazes me how such a big car has absolutely no room to add components on the firewall inside or out. Factory AC really takes up all real estate. For anyone that has a hankering for doing some engine work in these cars, going to Trick Flow 240 heads with Factory...
  3. J

    Yukon pumpkin

    Anyone ever pull the trigger on one of these? YDAC8.89-355P/L
  4. J

    Found 67/68 clock set knob

    Looking for the little center piece of this set knob. This has been in the ash tray since I got the car so assuming there's is a threaded screw missing.
  5. J

    Swapping in a 46rh trans

    Finally getting around to doing the swap. Since the 46RH is a small block only trans you have to either do a spacer kit ot a bellhousing swap to fit a BB. I'm doing the Ultra-bell swap. There's some detail not fully explained in the instructions and not on YouTube so thre a quick video...
  6. J

    SOLD Mopar magnum valve covers

    New never installed. $300 Shipped. includes grommets, breather, oil filler cap etc. Shipped from montana.
  7. J

    SOLD Power Brake booster

    $125 shipped. 67 drum booster from my 67 Fury. Works perfect, no rust. I converted to disk hence why I don't need it.
  8. J

    SOLD 67 Fury Body side and wheel well Trim (Full Set)

    I have the full set front to back/ both sides off my 67 Fury III, one front fender passenger side trim as a good ding in it but is fixeable. the wheel well trim has wear and tear but nothing missing. There is some overspray on it from a previous crappy re-paint, but it can be cleaned off...
  9. J

    46RH/A518 Crossmember Mount

    Anyone that's done it. what did you all do for the rear crossmember move? Modify the original? and if so, how much fab was needed?
  10. J

    Ezoic adverts

    Not sure if something changed, but recently I noticed that the ezoic ads are getting pretty intrusive and actually impacting the ability to type in text fields, every refresh of the ads is either making input pause, or taking the curser off the text field. Again, could be just me?
  11. J

    FI pump in tank

    Hey all, I'm going to convert over to EFI and will NOT be using an inline fuel pump that is external to the tank. Been there, done that and learned my lesson. Here's the question. I have a 68 Fury 2 vent tank. Has anyone done this conversion and if so, what did you do? Find a...
  12. J

    Convertible Seals: Steele Rail Weather-strip Set

    Hey all, this past year I installed new front convertible seal. There is a gap that I can't really solve for, I've sent Steele my original seals and they acknowledge that there is a difference, but they also say that they have sold over 200 sets and only have had a few returns over the years...
  13. J

    Power Steering Pulley

    Hey all, What I have: Big Block, Saginaw pump. 5/8" Keyed Shaft. Does anyone know what years and model may have used this setup? I'm struggling to find and OEM pump pulley and hoping folks have a list of what they came on. Yes, I'm retro fitting, and no the new aftermarket ones...
  14. J

    67 Fury Glovebox install question

    My old one was basically destroyed so I got a new one, it's fully assembled. My car is factory AC so no way to install from underneath, and I REALLY don't want to pull out the entire dash. I've been searching and searching for a "how to" but the only common thing I can find is "It's a total...
  15. J

    Convertible windshield trim foam

    I'm in the country so I don't have access to a local upholstery shop. What is this foam called and where to get a roll of it. The long thin piece goes on top of the windshield frame, under the top chrome trim. The wider piece is on the A pillar against the windshield frame.
  16. J

    Booster Compatibility

    EDIT: I stumbled on a thread that didn't pop up in my previous searches: FYI B & C Body Bendix disc brake dual diaphragm boosters compared 67 Fury. Currently have the crappy Midland Ross booster and want a Bendix but as you know, originals are rarer than Hens Teeth. Question for the...
  17. J

    Emblem clip/Grommet?

    67 Fury, for the front Fender "Fury III" emblems, where is a good source for the round hole grommet/Clip thingies that the emblem presses into?
  18. J

    67 Fury Window interchange

    Have a 67 Fury Conv. The drivers window has a chunk missing out of the top edge so looking to replace. Will all 2 door windows work? assuming 67-68 are the same as well?
  19. J

    67 Heater Control Valve

    I just got my valve back from being rebuilt. Looks like I MIGHT have lost the cable clamp that controls the heat. Does anyone have a picture of how the clamp gets attached to the valve? I know the end of it goes on the lever, but I can't seem to find my clamp for the plastic...
  20. J

    AC heater box valve

    Quick question. How critical is the valve sealing on this? The valve housing doesn't leak at all, but on the "off" position the valve does let some air through when I blow through it. Deal breaker? Or can I live with it letting a small amount of coolant through that side of the core?