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  1. Joel d. Snyder

    What did you name your car?

    i've never named my cars. but i did have one i refered to as the black *****.
  2. Joel d. Snyder

    Remember when?

    i'll bet you had some HANDHELD entertainment.
  3. Joel d. Snyder

    C-Body Wheel and Tire Survey

    should be shot.
  4. Joel d. Snyder

    vintage pics of women & cars

    6 kids and a corvair?
  5. Joel d. Snyder

    vintage pics of women & cars

  6. Joel d. Snyder

    vintage pics of women & cars

    how much did you get for her?
  7. Joel d. Snyder

    vintage pics of women & cars

    any chance these girls were stoned?
  8. Joel d. Snyder

    Are books obsolete?

    i will always have books. i always have one i'm currently reading. i have no idea how many i own. i almost never buy a new one unless it's severely discounted. flea markets, yard sales, and libraries are your friends.
  9. Joel d. Snyder

    $1500 Fury 1 near me

    based on what we can see, i'd go for it.
  10. Joel d. Snyder

    No Need to Pack Away1

    show off!
  11. Joel d. Snyder

    Some more classic pictures

    dang kid left it under the back seat.
  12. Joel d. Snyder

    Hello From Pennsylvania

    welcome! keep after him.
  13. Joel d. Snyder

    Interesting Fury Story

    i like it! how have i never seen it around?
  14. Joel d. Snyder

    Some more classic pictures

    is that the gym teacher from porky's?
  15. Joel d. Snyder


    yep , about an hour north.
  16. Joel d. Snyder


    welcome! what part of pa you in?
  17. Joel d. Snyder


    have not seen one of those key holders in forever and a day.