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  1. Nadir Point

    Hellcat on the Autobahn

    I spent 2 years in Germany living near the A8 between Stuttgart and Munich back in 90-91. My impression of the Autobahn at that time was it is a scary, dangerous proposition. Yes, there are some long stretches where you can really get up there if you have the balls. But you also have to be...
  2. Nadir Point

    1988 Aries K-Car....

    Looks like it came out of a time capsule!
  3. Nadir Point

    Reverse threads

    The LH thread idea was one of those technically sound ideas they just didn't think all the way through. Yes, a few people were probably saved from losing a wheel going down the road because it stayed on long enough to get pulled over before that happened. But that sorta gets outweighed by the...
  4. Nadir Point

    More Mopars for my Daughter...

    Wish I could've said that about my oldest daughter. I was going to let her drive my 340 duster, but she wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. Had to sell it to make room for a new VW.
  5. Nadir Point

    An Interesting Development in Controlling Pain

    Sounds like your wife has at least 1 of the same issues as me. I have MDD too, complicated with an underlying C6-7 hernia from guess what? Moving tires. Got in a hurry one day, tried to grab 2 at a time and POP! Along with the typical lumbar issue(s), I can tell you inversion is probably...
  6. Nadir Point

    An Interesting Development in Controlling Pain

    They've also been looking for a genetic pain link in erythromelalgia for awhile now. Neuropathy and osteoarthritis are the scourge of old age. Everybody eventually get them so some degree, and some are unlucky enough to get them bad early.
  7. Nadir Point

    At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

    I plan on knockin' slowly for a long goddamned time.
  8. Nadir Point

    At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

    Sucks gettin' old - whodathunkit! I had my first total hip replacement (THR) at 55, right shoulder re-built in 2016, and 2nd THR 8 weeks ago. Knees will be next, not sure how much longer, but the left is complaining more all the time. I've lived with crippling arthritis including both lumbar...
  9. Nadir Point

    I Hate Strokers!

    What do you expect from a web site that seems to exist primarily for the purpose of people attempting to sell their junk?