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  1. Oz Sport Fury

    Is my stock 727 in dire straights ?? I decided to replace the leaking pan gasket on the 400/727 Newports Auto, have it a service while apart and found all this debris in the pan and quite a bit in the filter pick up also. The engine is almost stock and has very tall 2.76:1 gears so it's not a race car by any means, it...
  2. Oz Sport Fury

    Speedo screaming like a siren as speed increases??

    Hey guys, After much sweating and swearing I have managed to reconnect the speedo cable connector to the back of the when you start driving it's ok until about 30mph and then it starts freaking out and screaming like a siren as speed increases?? Video of issue below, needs sound...
  3. Oz Sport Fury

    Unstoppable Oil Leak!!!!

    Hey guys, I have tried everything I can think of with my bloody 400 RB engine!, its hosing oil out the passenger side of the engine where the timing cover, sump and block meet right on the corner! Pic below is not my engine just to show where the issue is. So far I have removed the sump, a...
  4. Oz Sport Fury

    Best way to clean and salvage this Carby??

    So, long long furious story short. Got my 71 2dr VIP back from the dickhead painters who did nothing in 6yrs. Tried to get her going, it's got a blocked fuel line somehow, airline from tank to pump is blocked, airline to tank is blocked. Pump is ok...maybe. Took the top off the old Holley...