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  1. red72

    1965 Fury torsion bar dust boots

    Quick question, getting the parts together to rebuild the front end in the wife's Fury. Does anyone know if the torsion bar dust boots for an A or B body will fit? Having a hard time finding info on this. Thanks.
  2. red72

    '65 Sport Fury Rear Drums

    Hey all, I'm getting a parts list together for the wife's '65 Sport Fury and need rear drums. They are 11" I.D., 12 3/4" O.D, 3 3/4" H, with a 2 1/2" friction surface. From my research, looks like the Centric p/n 123.63005 is pretty close. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks!
  3. red72

    Single to dual master cylinder

    I am soon going to start the brake work on my wife's 1965 Sport Fury, replacing all lines and hardware, and I want to change the single pot mc to a dual. I wanted to know if a dual cylinder from a later model would work and if not, any suggestions?