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  1. 65Fury440

    Lower Windshield Trim Removal 65 Fury

    Can anyone tell me how this trim comes off? I have tried fishing around between the rubber gasket and trim but can't hook any clips. Newer models have vertical clips pointing upwards you just kind of pry away from the cowl, it seems like maybe this uses clips horizontally?
  2. 65Fury440

    Fuel Filler Door Spring 65 Fury

    My gas cap door comes open at speed. Everything has fresh paint so I'm hoping to get a handle on how it works, so hopefully I don't have to pull all the painted stuff out. I checked the FSM, nothing pointing to the assembly. How does it work? There must be a spring in there? Can anyone point me...
  3. 65Fury440

    Car is getting bodywork, polishing up the trim

    I've been getting to spend some quality time with my buffer. I got some before and after pics. It's time consuming but satisfying. My grille medallion has cracks in it. They look fairly deep. I tried buffing them out with no success.
  4. 65Fury440

    65 Fury FINALLY going to body shop and paint, need a couple trim pieces, any help?

    After searching for about a rear to find rear quarters, and another month talking to a bunch of body shops, I found a guy that I trust. I need the headlight surround pieces, tail light surround pieces, and the trim that goes along bottom of the finish panel. Can anyone help?
  5. 65Fury440

    Anyone had a car dustless blasted?

    I'm considering having this done. Any input would be appreciated.
  6. 65Fury440

    Anyone use this company? They have many obscure glass parts for sale, almost too good to be true. If they are legit im gonna order hood,trunk,bumpers, and hood scoop from them. Fingers crossed