Has anyone here had any experience using HP exhaust manifolds on a 66 Sport Fury/440?
Tring to determine if we went this way, would we have any fitment issues?
Appropriate title! My nephew and brother were a tad on the overzealous side when we were dismantling the motor and got ahead of me taking pics and labeling things.
Does anyone know where these go/what they are?
I'm sure I would figure it out when we are putting it all back together but I'm...
So.. Looking for some help locating the Turquoise engine paint for my 66 Chrysler motor. I assume several of you have used this color. Dealership or Duplicolor?
This is the powder coat color I'm using on the valve covers, intake, water pump, etc.
So I've got this piece and I'm wondering if anyone here can explain this part to me.
The magnet grabs it a little-is it pot metal?
Is the 440 emblem on the back some sort of plastic or acrylic?
I'd really like to spruce it up (maybe powdercoat) since I've searched high and low and can't find...