Search results for query: *

  1. Evan Jansen

    Found 1966 Fury Battery Hold-down clamp

    My battery hold down clamp disappeared after my 1966 Plymouth Sports Fury went into the body shop for some "post-theft attempt" repairs. Looking for an original part replacement.
  2. Evan Jansen

    WANTED Window Guide part - What is it? Where can I find it ? - 66 Sport Fury

    Not sure if this just happened or someone leaned on the window, but I am now missing what appears to be a little guide piece (drivers side window, 66 Sport Fury Convertible). Looking at it it appears I will have to drop the window regulator out of the guide to fix it, But does any one know...
  3. Evan Jansen

    WANTED Need boot rail that runs along back seat for a 66 SpFury Convertible

    I misplaced mine when I had seats re-done. It is a metal piece that runs along the top of the spring frame on the back seat.